"The long imagine" (Part 3)

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    As every morning, you wake up excited. Although it's been almost two weeks since you become a Runner, there is so much to discover. Today you were supposed to run with Minho and Ben. You had a quick breakfast and went to the map room to get your equipment. Ben Minho and Newt stood by the still-closed doors. Ah, supliesNewt... lately, you felt butterflies in your belly when you saw him. You walked with your head down, sorting supplies in your backpack. Someone walked by, hitting you with the shoulder in the process. „Watch it there, Schuckface!" Gally hissed as you started collecting your things from the floor. You just glared at him. It was too early for a fight. You heard steps and saw Newt limping to you. „You ok?" he asked helping you up. „Yeah. Thanks." You replied and walked to the doors with him. They started opening. „Let's go!" Minho yelled. You smiled to Newt and ran in the Maze after the other boys. Minho ordered Ben and you to go towards sector 6 and spread up once you reach it. You did as you were told. It was quiet while you ran the well-known route. After a quick 'Bye', you went your own way, it really warm day so you stopped to drink some water. You leaned on the cold stone wall and slipped to the ground. Unusual sounds interrupted your break. Some kind of klicking and scratching could be heard from just a few paths away. You started to panic. You stood up and started running to your right (Because women are always right). You didn't stop running until you were sure it's completely silent. A scream ripped through the air. You couldn't recognize who it belonged to but it sounded painful. You ran where your feet took you, sometimes calling for Ben or Minho. You didn't find anything so it was time for a deserved lunch break. It was past noon and you were exhausted. Since you ran in every direction possible, you didn't know where the exit was. Lost... you ran to the part of the Maz where it starts to 'thicken up'. You searched desperately for some kind of clue, sliced ivy, anything. After quite a lot of turns, you found a spot where of the boys left a mark. The ivy was cut off high so you guessed it was Ben. You relaxed when you recognized where you are. You found an exit in no time. Minho was already there talking to other Gladers. „Where's Ben?" you asked drawing attention to yourself. „Thank God you're ok." Minho ran to you. He heard the scream as well. Just as you wanted to go to map-room, someone's heavy steps and fast breathing stopped you. Ben has finally returned. All boys that were nearby gathered and watched him in confusion. After a few moments, he spoke up. „Greaves... had to find a ... new route...." you all gave him time to catch his breath and then went to map-room. Except running away from the greaves he didn't notice anything unusual. You were drawing your route. It was hard and took you some time to do so because you just wandered around the Maze. But you didn't give up. Boys already went to dinner. You decided to see what they have been doing all day. Minho was in sector 5. He ran quite a lot today. Bens map, on the other hand, was weird. You recognized the part you two were running together, but after that lines started swirling and going in the unknown direction, untidy like his hands were shaking. You went to dinner, still deep in thought. You didn't notice Chuck running to you until he hugged you. „Hey, little brother!" you played with his brown curls. „You must be hungry." He whispered. A growl from your stomach answered before you could. With a big smile, he pulled you into the kitchen area. After a long, tiring and scary day, you finally felt safe. You decided not to bother anyone with your thoughts during the meal, but you will talk to Minho afterwords. ~Time skip to ' talk to Minho afterwords'~ „Minho, can I talk to you for a minute?" you asked signalizing to the map-room. He nodded and followed you. „So?" he gave you a questioning look as you closed the door after you. „There is something wrong with Ben. First, he comes back late, he saw a griever and then this." You handed him Bens map. He thought for a minute then made the decision. „You're right. I'm not letting anyone in the maze tomorrow. We'll keep an eye on Ben." He said something under his breath and then left. It was getting dark and little fires and torches started to light up around the Glade. You let your feet to take you somewhere and so you came to the watch tower. The view from there was great. Everything seemed so tiny from that height. Torches looked like fireflies and smiling boys like small night animals. When you couldn't keep your eyes opened any longer you made your way to the hammocks. Your room was not yet ready but you weren't complaining. You fell asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow... Gentle sun rays were making their way to your eyes. The birds were singing... Conversations, running, sharp ax meeting wood, a tree falling in the distance. „Oh, no, no, no! I overslept!" you said jumping out of your hammock and searching four your clothes frantically. Then you remembered yesterday. You facepalmed and sat back down. Most of the boys were already doing their usual jobs but there were also a few sleepy heads still laying around. You collected your clothes and went to take a shower. Since you came they built separate cubicles. Clean and refreshed you went to breakfast. You sat next to Minho who was boring himself to death. „So what do we do today?" Minho shrugged. „What we want, I guess." He replied. Since you had no idea what to do with yourself you helped Fry wash the dishes. You walked around the Glade when a funny picture found its way to your mind. Gladers with flower crowns on their heads. You know a place in the woods where you can find flowers. You ran towards it, sometimes jumping in excitement. The clearing was deep in the deadheads, but when you reached it you weren't disappointed. You found a comfy place and picked some flowers. For Thomas, you made one out of dandelions. For Newt and Chuck, you used daisies, yarrows and some light purple flowers. And for Minho, the sas queen, you combined all the flowers. Picking some more flowers for your crown, you noticed a movement with the corner of your eye. You turned around to see Ben. He was pale and covered in sweat like he was running until now. „Oh, hi Ben. You ok?" you said in a happy voice. At first, he just stared at you with his cold eyes. „How could you, kniveY/N?" he whined taking a step forward. Rage was now visible on his face. He pulled a knife and almost yelled this time. „It's all your fault!" he ran to you, like a bull, ready to kill. You dropped your crowns and started running back to the Glade. You were grateful that he wasn't as fast as usual and kept quite a distance between you two. There were less and less trees with every step, you were almost safe. You wanted to call for help but you felt a sharp pain in your right leg. You collapsed instantly, trying to figure out what has happened. Bens knife was firmly stabbed in your flesh. You pulled it out looking for your attacker. He wasn't far away so you stood up and continued running. It wasn't simple and you wanted to scream in pain. On the other hand, that would be a waste of precious energy and breath. You continued limping despite the pain. „HELP!" you yelled when Ben tackled you to the ground. He looked terrible. His eyes were red, he had bags under them and bluish veins were popping out at his neck. You tried to throw him off but the pain in your leg wouldn't allow that. You punched him in the nose wich only made him angrier. He returned the favor. Everything was blurry for a few seconds and Ben was thrown of off you. Zart and Minho were holding him and Newt was next to you. „Clint! Jeff!" he yelled, concern written all over his face. The boys were pulling Ben to the slammer. „Don't worry, I can walk." You said slowly standing up. „You ain't doing such thing." He argued. You opened your mouth but couldn't think of a worthy comeback. He gave you a warning but still caring look. You sighed, turned on your heel and started walking away. After a few steps, your wobbly knees gave away. It all happened fast but the impact never came. Your eyes were still shut because of the shock. You opened them to find Newt holding you safely. „I thought you said you could walk, love." He teased helping you up. „Ummm..." you were blushing and couldn't think straight anymore. He just called you 'love'. Ben apparently made a nasty wound so you weren't allowed to leave your bed. You didn't like that but it did hurt like hell. ... It has been only 4 days, but it seemed like a year. The time just wouldn't pass. You often had visitors but you're still bored. It is just terrible to look at four same walls all schucking day. You missed the maze, the danger. After you made sure you were alone, you stood up. First, few steps were painful but you got used to it quickly. You looked out of the window. Everyone had something to do and you were just laying around all day. You stared at the maze doors. Ben is somewhere out there. They couldn't help him and he had to be banished. You heard the floor boards cracking under someone's feet and successfully jumped back in the bed when the person knocked. „I'm on a break! Come back in 5 minutes!" you yelled sarcastically. Chuck entered the room giggling. He was hiding something under his vest. „I brought you something." He smirked pulling out a big piece of chocolate. Somehow, he always succeeds to brighten your day. Based on your observation, you came up with a plan. Somewhere around midnight the 'guard' in front of your room changes, leaving you unattended for a few minutes. You waited patiently until the nightfall. Tik. Tok. Tik. Tok. Tik. About a minute before midnight steps could be heard in the hall. You jumped out of bed and pressed one ear to the door. 'Now or never' you thought sneaking through the dark hut. The course was set, you're going to deadheads, the only place nobody can find you. The wound didn't hurt anymore so you ran faster. When you reached the clearing, you faceplanted into the soft grass and giggled. On the edge of this little heaven was a willow tree. You curled under it and fell asleep shortly after. ... You woke up well rested and happy for the first time in the last few days. The sun was slowly rising above the walls. Ignoring the fact you are supposed to be in medjacks hut, you headed to the kitchen. Quite a lot of boys were awake for this time of the day. „Good morning, Fry!" you greeted taking a plate. „Umm, good morning?" he was confused. Thomas, Newt, and Minho were at your usual table. They seemed tired and concerned. A weird morning. „Whats with dose faces?" you asked when you came closer. They just looked at you with wide eyes. „Well, good morning to you too." You sat down next to Newt. „Where the bloody hell was you?" he said breaking the silence. „I- umm... well" you started only to be interrupted by Thomas. „We were looking for you all morning, Y/N!" „I'm sorry, but-" „We're getting you back this instant!" Minho said offering you a hand. You crossed your arms and frowned like a child. „That's it. Alby!" he yelled. Alby, who came to your table, picked you up from behind and put you over his shoulder. He carried you like a bag of potatoes. You resisted, kicking with you arms and legs. „Oh, come on!" you still weren't giving up. He put you down on your bed in the medjacks hut and looked at you like he has a whole speech ready. „Y'know, I should put you in the slammer for that." „I didn't break any of the rules." „But you scared the clunk out of us! Next time just tell someone you're heading out. But you still can't go to the maze." „That's not-" „Consider that your punishment. We also need to keep an eye on your leg." Rage was boiling inside of you but all you did was nod. „I'll bee in the deadheads if you need me." You murmured on your way out. You ran, once free. Someone called your name. You maybe could maybe use some company. You slowed down and Newt limped to you. He smiled, grateful you waited for him. You remembered your plan from a few days earlier. You grabbed his hand as soon he was close enough and pulled him to your secret place. „Where are we going?" he asked when you were almost there. „Just a bit further and you'll see." You laughed and jumped on the floor as every time. Newt let out a devastated yelp, surprised by your 'fall'. You sat up and started to pick flowers. He joined you soon after.  


So here it is. It's still 2016! There are probably many, many, many mistakes ("You can not guarantee you would not make a mistake again."  "But I would not."  "But you might!" -> Oh & captain Smack from Home). I laughed writing it. Sorry if it is not exactly what you had in mind, that happens in the next chapter.

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