chapter 5 Sort of Edited

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Sorry I accidentally deleted the other picture I know you guys liked it but I hope this one is OK and I hope you like the additions to this chapter

I wake up to see captains face hovering over me " Hey Morgana how are you." " good Cap. what did i miss." i reply with a smile. " well we're heading to the forest of white dreams." "okay." Your not going to ask what for." ask Elizabeth annoyingly " why would i its obviously important and its not like i can say i haven't been to weird places before....." i break off into giggles remembering the last time i went anywhere. "oh." she replies with a confused face as captain laughs a little. " besides anywhere I go already makes it ten times more awesome. " " I don't know about that Ana. "replied captain causing me to glare at him for the comment and the nickname." so when are we leaving." "In a little bit you were knocked out for a while you missed a lot." After he filled me on the village we are currently at and how there was a holy knight sword stuck in the ground preventing them from being able to make ale.  Uh.  I hate holy knights I always have even before we were framed for murder and they all turned against us I never had much luck with them considering before I joined the sins they locked me in the dungeons and they tried to use earplugs to ignore my beautiful voice and songs. Although they where really fun to annoy. I voiced my dislike to captain.  " I know that's why I thought you would like to help me." "with what the Holy knight already left the town didn't they.  Wait why did they do it it anyway. " he smiled and said " some kid threw a bug in his ale because the knight was going on about how bad it was." What? That kids crazy treating a holy knight like that. I like him already."
We do to.
Really can't you ever leave me alone. 
No not really you are kinda stuck with us wether you like us or not
Yeah well I don't like you
Hey no need to be rude about it we don't like you either.
I must of been out of it for a while because I look up and see captain looking concerned
"ah come on cap why the long face no need to be worried you know just the voices." I joke he smiles "yeah that's what I'm worried about how about you sit this one out OK." "why?" "well if the voices are getting worse and causing you to black out who knows what could happen next time. " "fine whatever you're the captain right." "yep. " he says messing my hair uo before leaving

OK I'm sorry if you liked the other chapter better also there is a time skip between this chapter and the next one tell me how you liked the change if you already read it before or how you liked it if you're a first time reader. thanks for reading.

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