chapter 11

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Sorry i haven't been able to update until now for those who haven't forgotten about this story i ruined my phone and just got a new one so thank you for being patient. I Would also like to dedicate this chapter to AuthorlineChan and the rest of you who are still reading. Please comment to let me know who is still here.
Turns out I was right about the doctor he wasn't helping he poisoned captain. That jerk the only thing that stopped me from killing him that moment was the Holy knight that appeared out of no where and tried to grab captains dragon sword piece. Right has he was about to grab it captain woke up but something was wrong with his eyes and there was black markings on the side of his face. Yes something was defiantly wrong. So i decided the best course of action was to sit back and watch. After captain had his little fight with what's his face the holy night who couldn't teleport but in fact was turning invisible we decided to help the doctor find his daughter and rescue her. ( in case you don't remember this is the voices in her head talking to her this is her responding)
Why are we helping him he tried to kill the captain he should die
Because he was forced to do it whats his face had his daughter
How do you know he is telling the truth maybe he is leading you into a trap besides who cares if he has reason he hurt captain worse then that tried to kill him he should suffer the same fate only he will actually die.
No. I won't hurt him captain wouldn't like it.
"Morgana you okay? Is it the voices again?" asked captain his face filled with concern while Elizabeth tilts her head in curiosity "voices?" she asked " Why yes Elizab***h voices I'm the sin of insanity I wasn't given that name for no reason." i say angrily at the princess then i turn to captain still looking worried even more so now "No, captain they're not bothering me i just spaced out i'll be fine." he shrugs his shoulders and response "okay if you say so."
You can't ignore us forever you know eventually you'll listen to us just like...
Shut up maybe i will one day but not now not today.
And there you go again sorry for the wait and good luck to those starting school or have already started and question if you are starting school what grade?
Also picture and video are not mine and neither is the seven deadly sins i only own my character and any changes i make thank you for reading and don't forget to vote and comment.

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