Chapter 7

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Thank and is you for being patient with updates and thank you for the votes and comments they mean a lot

We walked up to the sleeping giant instantly recognizing it was Diane boy was this reunion going to be fun. I sneak of to the side hidden behind a tree I wasn't sure how this was gonna play out but I knew it was gonna be fun to watch. When she woke up she mistook captain as a holy knight and started to pound him in the ground after a few minutes she realizes it was him then stopped  only to start again.  I was about to walk out when Meliodas says "hey Morgana you gonna come say hi. " I giggle to myself and finally walk out from behind the tree.  "Oh Ana." I instantly scowl at the nickname then her seeing my face let's out a nervous giggle.  "oh right I forgot you don't like that name. But I can't understand why. " "I just don't okay. "
You going to let her call you that only he called you that your little bro......
Shut up. I know
You don't deserve to be called it he used to look up to you they all did until....
"Morgana you OK you kind of spaced out. " Meliodas asked concerned "Oh, yeah sorry cap. It's just you know....  Never mind. " I reply shaking my head trying to get the thoughts and memories to go away.
There's a young boy staring up at me with a wide grin on his face. His blonde hair reflecting the sun while his blue eyes show only happiness.
"Ana come on let's pick the apples. " it was one of his favorite things to do considering our village is covered in apple trees "OK Alton let's go." I say with a smile on my face as I grab his hand and start to walk towards the trees.
Back to the present
I shake the memory from my head that was the last day my life was normal the last day I saw him or my mother.  I need to stay focused. Then out of nowhere lightning strikes the ground but unfortunately for us their is a pink headed idiot in its place. (sadly it's not Nastu) I groan loudly causing Meliodas to send me a glare I simply roll my eyes and giggle as I'm trapped in a circle of lightning.
Please don't hate me I'm sorry I haven't updated I've been really busy but like I said in a reply to a comment I updated to day.
Please comment and vote to tell me what you think. Also video is not mine

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