Chapter 11| Lisanna's Or Lucy's Fault?

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Chapter 11| Lisanna's Or Lucy's Fault?

Lucy's POV:

I grabbed the pistol but I was too late, Lisanna had pulled the trigger. That's when I saw the bullet not hit me but it had hit Natsu. Natsu had jumped in front and it had shot him in the side of his stomach. I screamed in terror, "NATSU!"

Lisanna saw that Natsu had jumped for the shot and she quickly dropped the gun on the floor. Natsu was laying on the floor and there was blood gushing out of his system. I started crying, "Natsu! HANG ON!"


Zeref carried Natsu and Natsu said in pain, " you'll get killed....please"

I smirked, "I'm Lady H, I know all the tricks in attacking the opponent."

Zeref ran off with Natsu and Natsu was yelling my name.

I looked towards Lisanna and her hand was shaking in fear and she mumbled, "It's your fault..."

I grabbed my pistol, "HOW'S THIS MY FAULT? IF ANYTHING, IT'S YOURS! IF NATSU DIES I WILL KILL YOU! IF I LOSE HIM I WILL MURDER YOU! AND IF YOU THREATEN MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY, BITCH YOU'LL PAY WITH YOUR LIFE!" I yelled while crying, I pointed the pistol to a perfect aim and pulled the trigger, I shot Lisanna in the head and she fell. I fell on my knees and I cried, Natsu. I ran out of the Mafia's Headquarters but that's when I saw Erza outside with her blue lamborghini. She said, "HURRY UP LADY H! NATSU IS IN JEOPARDY!"

I ran to her car and we drove off to the hospital.

When we got there I saw Zeref covered in blood and he was sitting in the waiting room. I ran in and yelled, "NATSU! WHERE'S NATSU?!"

Zeref ran up to me and he said, "Calm down, they took him in and they said he's gonna be fine but he just lost a lot of blood."

I cried, "This is all my fault! THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!"

Erza yelled, "LUCY! It's not your fault, it's Lisanna's!"

I told her, "It's my fault because I gave her the job of being the Mafia Boss of Sabertooth! It's all my fault because I told Zeref to tell Natsu that Lisanna was in the Council building! IT'S ALL MY FAULT HE TOOK THE BULLET!" I cried as I fell to the floor. That's when Mira came in and she said, "LUCY!"

I walked to her and I asked, "What is it?"

She pointed to the back and there he was....My eyes widened, oh's him.

~Yea, I know a really short chapter but i guess it's better than nothing right? Anyways, I'd like to thank you all cuz I'm so close to having 200 views on Secret Lovers, I'd Like to thank my editor @Mportillo61 or in other words Levy McGarden. I hope you enjoyed! Until next time!

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