Chapter Seven

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Just a Couple of Demons


Sebastian watched as Ciel paced the floors of his office. He had seemed infuriated to say the least. Sebastian's young master was under more pressure than he had ever been, but that was to be expected the further he expanded the company. Expansion wasn't a bad thing, mind you, but it certainly was a stressful and tedious task.

"I must say, I've never witnessed a demon as stressed out as you are, Master." With an amused look on his face he folded his arms in front of him.

"Yes, just stand over there and smile like the sly cretin you are. The oh so marvelous butler of Phantomhive." He remarked sarcastically and Sebastian merely grinned. 

"Then we're a perfect fit, wouldn't you say?"

"Oh shut it, Sebastian. I swear I get tired of hearing your voice, I even dream about it. You're a stressful, direly stressful, creature. Just shut it already. You stand there amused at my distress and it's inexcusably horrific, I must say. Your savage-like nature never ceases to rear it's ugly head in the most inconvenient of times."

"You're one to talk."

Ciel stopped and glared at his demon butler. "And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Need I really elaborate, Master?"

"Oh please do."

"I have no desire to argue with you at this point in the day."

"No go ahead, you're such a demon about things, lets have a go shall we?"

"You enjoy arguing far too much for me to even consider participating."

Ciel kicked his office chair over with ease and if that weren't satisfying enough he tossed a few ornaments off his desk in frustration. Sebastian looked for a moment in disbelief before utter distaste crossed his face. "Oh bless it, you're having another tantrum." He vaguely recalled the last time Ciel threw things around the room and squealed about how things never went his way, all over the kitchen being out of sweet tarts. He had been thirteen when that happened and Sebastian walked out of the room to refrain from choking his lights out completely.


"When will you act like a grown man? You're literally a demon, in a man's body, acting with the antics of either a child or a lunatic. You sicken me, everything about you makes me want to literally throttle you, you simple little twit." Sebastian growled out through gritted teeth. 

"Oh it'd be a shame if you dawned your high heels and danced all over me, wouldn't it?" Ciel scoffed.

"High heels? Who is dressing in heels?" Elizabeth had one hand on the wall as the door closed behind her. Ciel and Sebastian shared a look before the Earl smirked, "Sebastian is quite fond of the fashion."

Elizabeth smiled up at Sebastian, "Oh, good for you Sebastian!"

Sebastian closed his eyes and released a heavy sigh, "Thank you, Lady Elizabeth."

"Darling, I'm going to have to have a meeting with the funeral director about mother's proceedings. Can we use your office?"

"Of course, I don't mind. Do I need to attend?"

"No, there is really no need. It's quite alright."

"You're sure?"

Elizabeth gave a nod and Ciel seemed to release his full approval on the matter. "I have another meeting planned tomorrow evening."

"He insists on the morning hours so we shouldn't interfere with your work."


"Well ...I'll leave you to your discussion then.." Elizabeth gave a half smile and headed for the door.

"Won't you sit and have tea with us?" Sebastian suggested.

"Well you seem busy and I shouldn't ..impose."

"Impose?" Sebastian seemed oddly taken aback by her statement.

"Nonsense Elizabeth, sit down. Sebastian.." Ciel nodded for him to get said tea.  "I love spending what free time I can with you, so come and sit with me." Elizabeth's shoulders tensed.

"Really? Because.. it seems like you..enjoy arguing with Sebastian.."

"Well yes, but I can do that at any point in the day." He chuckled and held a chair out for Elizabeth to sit. He moved some files from the table so there would be room for tea and tarts.  He sat across from her and crossed his arms gently. 

Silence had grown between them until Sebastian returned with the tea. Lizzie took a long sip and composed herself. 

"Sebastian, Ciel.. I have some questions."

Both men raised a curious set of eyebrows. "Go on.." 

Her once lovable face turned hard and emotionless as she sipped on her tea. "You two must think of me as a fool." The two men exchanged a glance or two before she continued, "I had quite an interesting dream last night."

"You're mad over a dream, Lizzie?"

"Why didn't you just tell me the truth?"

Sebastian gave Ciel a "This is your fault" look before crossing his arms behind his back. "Truth, lady Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth smiled and crossed one leg over the other. "It's fine boys. We can sit here all day if you wish." Ciel cleared his throat as if composing himself. "What exactly are you talking about Elizabeth?"

She stared at him through calm yet amused eyes without blinking. Ciel wanted to panic and make excuses but he remained composed and stared back. 

"You're expanding to America!" Her gaze broke and she looked at them both with disbelief, "And you didn't even tell me!"

The room filled with immediate sighs of relief from both Sebastian and Ciel. Thank god it hadn't been what he was thinking...

"But what did that have to do with your dream, Elizabeth?"

"Don't you get it? It wasn't a dream at all silly! I was hearing someone talking about it outside in the hall." She giggled at the little trick she had almost played, "Be more careful next time, yeah?"

"Someone.. outside.. in the hall?" Ciel looked at Sebastian as if asking who else had known about their confidential business plans. "Who did you hear, exactly?" He leaned forward with narrowed eyes and a malicious curve at the end of his question.

"Oh I don't know, I walked out in the hall and didn't see anyone but I was sure I heard it. Why wouldn't you two just tell me in the first place? I mean.. I can keep a secret you know! Is that what that brash Count Phili.. whatever his name was.. was talking about?"

"That man was a lunatic.." Ciel grumbled.

Elizabeth finished her tea and stood. "Well love, the chat was nice but I must excuse myself to the maids station. I have a few girl planning to help me with some flower selection for mothers 'get well soon' gift this week."

"Let me know if you need help." Lizzie nodded  and headed for the door, "Oh and Elizabeth..." She turned toward him, "Not a word about the expansion, yeah?"

She smiled brightly and her green eyes were as vibrant as ever, "Of course Ciel. Really there is no need to be keeping secrets from me. I can be trusted you know. The way you two sneak around is..well.." she paused and looked directly into the eyes of her husband, "like you're just a couple of demons."

Sebastian's eyes widen and Ciel sat almost dumbfounded as his wife pranced down the hallway and hummed every step of the way.


"I know."

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