Chapter Fifteen

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Lovely Concubine 


The short vacation was nice and all, but once they returned home it was all business once more. Sebastian had taken it upon himself to see to the Lady's doctor preparations as she was so fixated on her mother it was impossible for her to at this point. He had to admit, though she neglected her own needs more so than any human should, she took excellent care of her mother. Having just finished speaking with the Phantomhive's personal physician her arranged for an appointment the following Friday on Lizzie's behalf. Her sickness was indeed growing worse by the week, almost to the point Ciel couldn't keep up with her. 

Sebastian couldn't help but grow worried at the mentioning of severe morning sickness, when back in America. He had never known of demons to spawn, of course there were books that spoke of rituals..

He couldn't even imagine the pain Elizabeth was about to endure by carrying the child of a demon, if it was possible. Maybe she was just ill with a very bad bug..

He hadn't wanted to wish pessimistic thoughts on the pregnancy but.. if this were a living child things could spell out wrong. Where would the balance be?

On a turn of his heel he made his way to the heart of England where the vastness of knowledge was kept behind the heavy doors of a library. This was something he couldn't shake, he had to be prepared. 

Where should he look? Demonology? Women's heath magazine??! Where in the hell did you find information of about a demon child.. He sighed and crunched his knuckles, this simply wouldn't do. He would just have to read every book the library had on Demonology and the birthing of children. This is what separated the boys from the men!


Elizabeth sat with some of the younger maids in the dining hall as they discussed birthday ideas for one of their youngest. Upon returning she had found out about a very special child's birthday. She would be turning fifteen years young that following weekend and Elizabeth felt as though she deserved to celebrate. "Alright ladies, our mission is to find out her favorite color, flower, animal and candy. Got me? I'll but Elise in charge of the tea preparation and I'll head into town for cake purposes. I've put Bard in charge of the cuisine and  need some of you girls free to decorate, as well as one of you to distracts her." After they all nodded in approval she dismissed everyone and went back to her own paperwork.  Things like this would go a lot smoother if she had Sebastian around to help. Speaking of Sebastian..where was he?

She sighed and walked out to the garden. Nothing had been set in stone yet, so she wasn't sure if she was pregnant. However, she just had this strange feeling now. Maybe she was just smitten with the idea of being pregnant and she was getting ahead of herself.  With an exhausted sigh she sat in one of the garden chairs, the weather was a little chilly against her bare arms but nothing she couldn't stand. 

"M'lady..! There you are, M'lady. There is a man in the lobby asking to speak with Lord Phantomhive but I can't seem to find him.."

"A man?" Elizabeth stood and headed to lobby, "You can't find Ciel?"

"No, ma'am."

"I wonder where he's gotten off to.." It was unusual for him to disappear when he expected someone. She entered the lobby and stood by the stairs at a tall red haired man. He had a pair of narrow green eyes and a fair complexion. "Yes?"  He looked down at her and smiled before bowing ever so slightly. "The Lady Phantomhive in the flesh, I am honored." 

"Who are you?"

"I am called many things, you see.." He took a step toward her and she arched a brow giving him a look that stopped him in his tracks. "Give me your name. I didn't ask for a life story." By the looks of him Elizabeth could tell he wasn't human. At this point she was so sick of inhuman visitors and she felt like chewing Ciel out for disappearing. "Forgive me, My name is John Von Deil..the third. I am here to speak to the head of house. Could you find him for me?" 

"Was he expecting you?"

"Perhaps he should have been.." 

"Ah I see, I'm terribly sorry but we don't accept walk-ins on a day to day basis. My husband is a very busy man."

"I'm sure he is... however, he should make a point to meet with me on behalf of my brother."


"Well, brothers... I think you met them not too long ago. I sent them her to deliver a message on my behalf. One mentioned having met you." Her mind flashed back to the two vampires she had encountered before. This must be a family business. "No hard feelings, M'lady. I simply came here to strike a business deal with your husband."

"Can you explain to me why vampires are popping up around England like mushrooms?" Elizabeth looked at him accusingly. "It's a new business in town, you see? I was hoping to partner with the Phantomhive family and expand."

"We've already expanded, thanks."

"But even further my darling. Further than America or even your wildest dreams." 

"That sounds like your dream, not ours. It also sounds like it comes with a price. I don't make deals with Vampires."'

"Says the woman married to a demon." Elizabeth glared at him in response, "You're point?"

"You're a rather lippy one aren't you? I'm surprised the Earl keeps such an arrogant concubine."

"Bite your tongue, lest you lose it."

"Making threats are we?"

"Would you like me to?" A pair of heavy footsteps echoed from the staircase behind her. "Did I come at a bad time?" Ciel descended the stairs with his hands in his pockets, "John Von Deil, was it? You're quite the loud talker, I must say I could hear you from the shooting range." Elizabeth stepped to the side slightly and placed her hands behind her back, he heard him all the way from the shooting range? Is that even possible for a demon?? That's at least three miles south of the manor. "Well you know what they say about demons."  John gave a smile and placed his hands behind his back. "You seem oddly knowledgeable regarding demons." Ciel popped his jaw harshly. 

"Well, I've been around for a while."

"And you use it to your advantage I see. I was slightly confused, I must admit, when I smelled scorched wood and ash walking into my manor. Thought Bard had burned dinner yet again."

"Quite the young bride you have here." 

"I get that a lot," Ciel looked down at Elizabeth with a smile, "such a lovely concubine, wouldn't you agree, love?" Elizabeth punched him in the shoulder playfully, "Oh shut your face hole." He nudged her playfully, "Could you excuse us, Lady Phantomhive?" There was a smile in Ciel's voice  which made it hard to argue with him. "Of course, don't mind me." She made her way up the staircase and around the corner toward their bedroom. She stopped at the hall entrance when she ran smack into Bard who had a loaded gun in hand. "Wha.." He was leaning against the wall with a clear shot of their guest, "Bard.." She whispered, "What in Gods name are you doing??"

He shifted the cigar between his teeth, "Making sure you made it up the staircase...?" Elizabeth stared at him for a moment, "How long have you been standing here...with that..?" With a cheesy grin, he scratched the back of his neck. "Doesn't really matter, does it?" 

She shook her head and Bard followed her to the room, making sure she was safe. "I can't believe he compared my food to the smell of scorched wood and ash.." Elizabeth giggled and closed her bedroom door, "Sorry Bard, dear. Don't take it to heart.."

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