Chapter Eleven

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Sebastian sat at Ciel's desk as Ciel paced the floor. Not many people had seen Sebastian actually sit down, however he was so infuriated he had to. The room was quiet as both men clenched their fists at their sides and their jaws. Two sets of red eyes lit up the room as they silently debated on their next move.

"So he knew I was gone. How?"

"He's a spy, how else? Probably has the place being watched." Sebastian looked around the room in distaste. 

"Well regardless, this isn't something I take lightly."

"Evidently, what do you propose?"

Ciel turned toward his butler, "Depends, how mad are you Sebastian?"

He tapped a gloved finger against the hard oak desk, "Livid, Ciel, I am absolutely livid." His eyes narrowed and his jaw visibly locked. 

"Then you better get your high heels, because we have work to do." With that being said, Ciel practically charged out of the office and down the hallway. "Bard??"

"Oi!" He poked a head out of the bedroom. He had been assigned with keeping Elizabeth company.. or more accurately, keeping an eye on her. "I need you to go with Sebastian and make a few calls for me. Get some new maintenance around here and call the Coroner."

"Gotcha!" He headed down the hall and Ciel swooped into the room Bard was once in. Elizabeth was asleep, soundly, with a cold rag on her head. "Elizabeth, love? Are you hungry?"

He had to shake her a little to get her awake. She gazed up at him through half lidded green eyes, "I'm willing to try my hand at cooking if you're willing to risk your life." He chuckled and she smiled. "I don't know if I have much left to risk." She giggled and wrapped her arm around his neck to pull herself up. 

"What are you planning to do?"

"Do you really want to know?"

She nodded cautiously as he continued. "I'm going hunting."

"You're just going to get yourself into trouble.."

"There is no other option, Elizabeth. He is going to die, and suffer horribly while he's at it." He was telling her all of this honestly and with red eyes. 

"Well.. I'm not much hungry.. but .. you could appease me in other ways."

He arched a brow and looked to the still open door. "Elizabeth.. now isn't really a good time.."

"Is there ever a good time?" She giggled and kissed his cheek, "You act so innocent all the time. I'm not asking for much... just a little touch." As if he were thinking about it, he hesitated, then waved his hand making the door shut.

"Just for a moment, then I have matters to tend to." Elizabeth smiled and kissed his neck. "If you don't want to then it's fine, Ciel."

"No, you've already started it. " He smirked and pinned her down on the bed as gently as possible, it didn't take much to hold her down and he was in no way trying to harm her by proving some odd dominance. This was about having fun and showing her how much he loved her of course. 

With Bard and Sebastian-

"What's the plan?"

"For you? You stay here with Elizabeth. Keep an eye on the manor. The master and I will handle the rest."

"And if they show up again?"

"You can use a gun, correct?"

"Best damn shot on this side of England."

"Well use it."

"I doubt regular bullets will help me out much.."

"Don't worry about that, we have a solution." Sebastian smiled and handed him a hefty box of bullet to which Bard smiled down at excitedly, "Alright, now it's a bloody party!" 

"Keep your voice down.." Sebastian had seemed a little more aggravated than usual. I'm not sure how long we will be gone. But you mustn't tell Elizabeth anything other than we will be back soon. We don't want her worrying."

"But she does know you're going?"

"That should be what the Master is telling her right now."

Back with Ciel-

Skin on skin  contact was rare for them, the usual kiss here and there as they passed each other in the hall was pretty much their love life summed up all together. It wasn't that Ciel was innocent.. he was actually quite the opposite. It was simply a lack of time.

Clothes were on the floor, as well as the blanket... along with the pillows. The room was filled with all sorts of noises as well as the occasional laughter. Their ability to smile and joke around even in the most intimate of moments defined their relationship. It was a lighthearted and honest, as well as communicative, for the most part, relationship. 

Around an hour and sum odd minutes later, Elizabeth was sitting on Ciel as they chatted away. Neither of them were clothed but it hadn't much mattered. She laced her fingers with his and pushed against him playfully as she remained perched on his stomach. "You're always so silly, Cordelia.." He chuckled and teased her.

"Me?? Silly? You must be mad."

"Would that be a bad thing?" She smiled and kissed his cheek. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into him. "I should really get going, I'm sure Sebastian already has everything in order.." 

"I don't like it but I can't stop you..." He looked up at her with a tad bit of guilt. "So be careful, yeah?"


"And come home, for goodness sake..In one piece preferably."


"I'll take two if I must, but yes, one."

After sharing a few more moments together, Ciel managed to get up and get dressed. "I'm leaving Bard here with you. You two will be confined to one part of the manor until we return. His job is to protect you, so no arguing with him. Do as he says."

"..Fine." She smiled and wrapped herself in a sheet.

"Go ahead and get dressed, I'll walk you to him then I'm leaving." Elizabeth obeyed and shortly after, followed him down the hallway to both the waiting Bard and Sebastian. 

"Sorry to keep you waiting. Bard, I trust you'll keep her safe while I'm away. Sebastian has mapped out which parts of the manor you will be staying in for the time being." Both Bard and Elizabeth nodded. They had a job to do while Ciel was gone.

"If it comes to it's worst terms, Bard. Take Elizabeth and escape. Do not fret about this manor, it's replaceable," He took a step toward Bard, "She is not."  Bard cleared his throat and nodded, "No need to worry, We'll be on our toes."

Sebastian and Ciel led them to a more secluded part of the manor that Elizabeth hadn't recognized. The manor was so large she hadn't explored the entire thing it was nearly impossible. "You should be safe here. The door we came through is hidden from the outside. It'll hold up for a while."

"Be careful, Ciel." He kissed the back of her hand and pulled her close to him in order to obtain a number of said kisses from her lips. Sebastian and Bard exchanged odd looks, the Earl and Lady were never this affectionate before. Bard had even blushed a bit but averted his eyes when Sebastian glared at him. After bidding them a quick farewell, Sebastian and Ciel were off. 

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