Chapter Three - Catching Up

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Since the moment you've woken up, you've been pumped.

You can't wait until lunch, and the excitement is showing.

Students are looking at you weirdly in the halls, probably wondering how much coffee you had this morning.

Even some of your teachers notice your unusual energy burst, at 7:30 in the morning.

The thoughts running through your head, kept you from focusing on your schoolwork.

All you could think about was Lin.

His smile, his eyes, his voice --- just everything.

Classes seem to go on forever.

Every minute, you look up at the clock to see if it changes.

You dedicate your focus to the clock after a while.

You focus your attention to your phone, as you once again, read the conversation from yesterday.

You figure it'll be the only thing to keep you going through classes, until lunch.

You can't help to crack a smile every time you read it.

Finally the bell rings, and it's time for lunch.

You gather up your supplies, and put them into your book bag, and put it on.

You are the first one out of the classroom, and you dart the the cafeteria.

You pass your lunch table, and group on the way.

You've told them everything.

They all give you looks of good luck.

You glance back at them, and smile.

You keep walking.

With each step closer to his table, you get more and more excited.

You arrive at his table.

You take a deep breath before encountering him.

"This is it.", you say to yourself. "The moment of truth."


"Hey, Lin!", you say, as you approach him at the table.

"Hey! How are you?", he asks excitedly.

You smile and reply, "Good, and you?"

"Good.", he replies.

He smiles, and it is making you weak in the knees.

You quickly sit down across from him, happy that you didn't fall from being so nervous.

"So, what's been happening in your life?", he asks, as you start eating your sandwich.

You take a bite and reply, "A lot actually." You laugh. "I quit gymnastics in the fifth grade, and started dance. But then I quit dance, and moved to acting, a couple years later."

"Wow!", he says, surprised. "I thought you loved gymnastics."

"I did.", you say. "But it was getting too serious for me, and I decided I wasn't really into it, as much as I used to be."

He takes a bite of his food and says, "Understandable." He smiles.

"And what about you?", you ask. "What have you been up to?"

"Music and theater.", he says. "You know I've always been a theater geek."

"Yes.", you laugh. "I remember you used to sing show tunes for show and tell."

You both laugh, as you remember the days of elementary school.

"I loved your rendition of 'One Day More'.", you say, as you laugh.

He laughs and rolls his eyes.

"Oh my! Was that a disaster!", he laughs. "I tried to sing all the parts, but completely failed."

You and Lin both laugh, and talk more until lunch is over.

"It was nice catching up with you.", he says.

You smile and say, "I agree!"

He smiles back, and looks into your eyes.

You almost faint.

"I better get to class.", you quickly say.

"Same.", he says. "I'll talk to you later."

He winks at you before he walks away.

You can't move.

You stand there.


After a few seconds, you snap out of it and walk to your next class.


If Lin winked at me, I would die tbh.
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