Chapter Six - Congratulations

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After school, you drive home.

You can't wait to tell your mom about Lin's homecoming proposal.

You park your car, get out, and practically sprint into the house.


Your mom is doing the laundry.

She laughs and says, "Calm down sweetie. I'm right in front of you."

You try to calm down a bit, and your mom smiles at the effort.

"What's going on?", she asks. "Why are you so excited?"

"I GOT ASKED TO HOMECOMING!", you scream out.

Your mom looks at you, and her eyes widen.

"REALLY?", she happily exclaims.

"YES!", you reply.

"BY WHO?", she asks.

"BY LIN! MY FOURTH GRADE CRUSH!", you exclaim.

"CONGRATULATIONS SWEETIE!", she says, as she takes you in her arms.

"Thank you.", you say, a bit more calmly.

"That's so exciting!", she says. "Tell me all about the proposal."

"Okay, so...", you start. "...I got a text this morning from him, asking if I wanted to talk at lunch again today, and I agreed to that. And when it was lunchtime, I walked into the lunch room, and over to where he usually sits, and he wasn't there. Once I gave up on looking around, I decided to ask my regular lunch group if any of them saw him. They said they haven't seen him, but then they started laughing, in which I asked why, and they just pointed behind me..."

Your mom gasps. "It was Lin, wasn't it?"

"Yes.", you reply. "I turned around and there he was. Standing with a bouquet of flowers."

"Awwwww!", your mom exclaims.

"But that's not even the best part!", you say. "He had a guitar and some of his friends with him, and he sang 'Seasons of Love' to me!"

"That's so sweet of him!", she says.

"I know right?", you say. "It was literally the best day ever!"

"Well, I think that calls for some celebrating!", your mom says energetically. "We can do whatever you want tonight!"

"MOVIE MARATHON!", you exclaim.

"Alright! Movie marathon it is!", she says in response.

You both laugh, and spend the whole night together, celebrating and enjoying the best day of your life.


Shorter chapter, but so cute! If any of you watch The Gilmore Girls, Lorelai and Rory's relationship, is what inspired me for the mother/daughter relationship in this chapter!
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