The bell rings.
It's time to go home.
You race to your car, and drive home.
Every minute it takes to get home, feels like a year.
You want to get home quickly, so you can start texting Lin.
Thoughts are rushing through your head.
What is he interested in these days? How has his life been? Does he remember fourth grade Valentine's Day?
You finally get home, and go to your room.
You are texting Lin:
Long time, no talk!
How have you been?I've been good, and you?
I've been good too.
What have you been doing?
Like any interests, or hobbies?I've been into theater
and acting lately. You?Really? Me too!
That's cool! Are you thinking
about trying out for the school play?Yeah, and I'm guessing
you're also thinking about
trying out too, right?Yep!
Cool! We should try out
for the lead roles!Nah... I'd rather not.
Why not?
I'm just not the lead role
type of person. I'm shy.No need to be shy.
Show off your talent.You really think so?
Trust me. I know
you can do it.Well, in that case...
I guess I'm auditioning
for the lead role. :)Good! Anything else
that you've been up to?Not really, just a lot
of studying, and school.Same.
Speaking of school,
I've got to get my
homework done.Same with me.
It was nice chatting with you.Same. I guess I'll
talk to you later.Yep! Maybe we can
meet up during lunch
tomorrow?Of course!
Alright! See you then.
End of conversation.
You lay back onto your bed and sigh, as you take a few minutes to daydream about Lin again.
A few minutes later, you sit up and open your textbook to study.
You read through the conversation again, and smile to yourself.
You start studying.
Every five minutes, you reread the conversation.
You smile to yourself again, as the smile gets bigger each time you reread the messages.
You finally put down your phone for good, and study until bedtime.
You take one last look at the conversation, and go to bed.
You are pretty sure you were smiling the whole time you were asleep, because you dream about Lin and you together.
This is how you have imagined your junior year.
Perfect. Just perfect.
And you don't want it to change.
If only relationships were this easy in the real world haha. Thank you guys for reading! Please vote and follow! COMMENT YOUR THOUGHTS! :)

I Love You
Hayran KurguRelationships? You know all about them. Being in love, breaking up, cheating --- You've been through it all. Then one day in the 11th grade, Lin, a guy you've admired since 4th grade, asks you to be his girlfriend. But suspicions are raised when he...