Chapter Eight - Royals

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6:00 A.M., your alarm goes off.

"Ugh! It's too early!", you groan, as you roll over and turn off the alarm.

You slowly get out of bed and get ready for school.

You grab a banana on the way out, and eat it in the car on the way to school.

Once you park your car, and walk into the school, Jon and Pippa are already at your locker.

Chris texts the group chat, saying that he is sick.

"Hey guys!", you say, making an effort to smile on a Monday morning.

"Hey!", they respond.

You open your locker.

"Pippa told me you went dress shopping with her over the weekend.", Jon says smiling.

"Yep!", you reply with a tired sigh.

Pippa then takes over for you, and exclaims, "And it's beautiful!"

"I bet it is.", Jon says. "Do you have a picture of it?"

You pull out your phone, and scroll through your camera roll.

After you find the picture, you hand him the phone.

"It's really pretty.", Jon says.

"Thank you.", you say back.

You guys walk to class, and reunite at lunch.


Lunch time.

You sit with Pippa and Jon today.

"I'm glad to have you back at lunch with us!", Pippa says.

"Yeah!", Jon agrees. "We missed you... Although we're happy you got to catch up with Lin."

You smile and reply, "I've missed you guys too. To be honest, it's weird over on that side of the cafeteria. I'm so used to this side."

"I bet! We've been sitting over here since the ninth grade!", Pippa exclaims.

Suddenly, a voice over the PA system comes on.

It's the principal.

"May I have your attention please?", he says.

Everyone in the lunchroom gets quiet.

"Here are your candidates for Homecoming Queen, and King.", he continues.

"Shoot!", you whisper. "We forgot to campaign this year!"

"It's okay! Lin saved you.", Pippa says.

"For the Freshman Class...", the principal continues.

"How?", you ask.

"His Homecoming proposal to you.", Pippa replies.

The principal says, "Sophomore Class..."

"It was cute, but it's not like it'll make me a candidate.", you say.

"I think you'll get it. I mean, the whole school saw it.", Jon adds in.

"Junior Class...", the principal continues.

"Here we go.", you sigh.

Jon, Pippa, and you, all cross your fingers.

"Lin-Manuel Miranda...", the principal announces.

"Half way there, and Lin's a candidate.", Pippa whispers optimistically.

"...and, (y/n)!", the principal announces.

Everyone claps for you.

Pippa and Jon hug you.

You smile big, as you still try to process the results in your head.

"You did it!", Pippa exclaims.

"Congrats!", Jon exclaims in response to Pippa.

You are completely speechless.

You can't believe you're a candidate for Homecoming Queen.

You take a deep breath, and smile to yourself.

You say to yourself, "Best. Year. Ever."


Yay! I loved writing this chapter! Thank you for reading! Remember to vote, follow, and COMMENT YOUR THOUGHTS!! :)

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