Chapter One - My Life

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Dedicated to stratospheree
My Life

I pulled my coat tighter around my slender body to keep the harsh Autumn wind away, walking my way through the busy street of New York.

I really need to take up my Dad's suggestion and get a car, my endless trips on feet were starting to show effects,
the painful leg cramps I usually got.

I took a turn round the corner and my body froze when I heard those words.
Three words to be exact.
I turned my head towards the couples seated near the windows of Allen's eatery.

"I love you Rosa." the tall lanky guy said to his girlfriend who was grinning from cheek to cheek.
I walked away quickening my pace before the lady could respond, besides I didn't want to be caught eavesdropping.

I hated those words, those words that I've heard people say million of times.
Those words that left pain etched deep in my heart.
Those words that were never true.
Those words I'll never be believe in.

I stepped into the cozy duplex I shared with my dad and my dog, Bruno. It wasn't so big but all the same I loved it.

The whiff of the meal he was preparing hit me hard, then I realized how hungry I was as my tummy grumbled deeply.

"Hey Dad, I'm home."I yelled over the loud music playing on the sound system while greeting my golden retriever with a ruffle on his messy fur.
He barked in response.

My Dad loves hard rock music.
He once mentioned he had a band when he was in high school, but I didn't believe him, he likes to bluff.

"Welcome my princess, how was work?" he asked emerging from the kitchen with an apron round his waist.

"Work was okay I guess, but you say it as if l work in a busy office complex." I replied kissing his cheeks.

He shrugged
"It might be a non expensive coffee shop and a printing press across town but it's still better than nothing."

I smiled at my Dad, he was good at lifting my spirit when I'm in a bad mood
"Thanks Dad but right now I'm really starving."

"Sure sure I can hear your stomach growling, go wash up, dinner will be ready in ten minutes."

I climbed up to my room and took a short, steamy shower and came down in my pajamas for dinner.

My eyes spotted the bills on the counter, if not for my menial salary I earn from my two jobs and the child support my Dad gets every month, I wonder if we would survive in New York.

"Kira, dinner is ready and don't get so worked up with the bills we'll manage like we've been doing for the past twenty years after your mom left us." my Dad said in a cool but sad tone.

I walked towards the table cringing at the thought of that name 'Mom','mother','mummy',ma.

"She's not my Mom." I murmured to myself as I sat down in front of my father but I knew my Dad heard me.
As far as I was concerned,I never had a Mom.

We sat in silence eating our meal,the dinner was so delicious thanks to my Dad's awesome culinary skills.

My dad was a chef at a fancy restaurant downtown but was sacked after the manager died and his inconsiderate bitch of a son took over.
He sacked older workers and recruited new ones,but too bad for him since the business came crumbling down.

Yeah, life was hard for us.
But hell when life give you lemons you make lemonade even though it will taste bitter.

"Dinner was great Dad." I complimented packing up the dishes

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