Chapter Five- Escape and trouble again

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Picture of Dante above

Things can't be good, a quiet Felipe is a hazardous sign that something big is brewing.
I know trouble when I sense one and with the Xoitre. It isn't far behind.

My men have been doing a 24/7 watch on them but nothing have seem to happen so far.
This giveaway proves that my instincts are right, they are planning something. And I'll have to find out even if it means forcing it out Felipe's mouth.

Stepping into the gate of their headquarters, I was greeted with five semi automatic pistol pointed at me.

I smirked at the armed men.
"Believe me ,the feeling is mutual. But I'm not here to kill anyone."
I shoved past them making my way towards the entrance of the building.

Yeah, I always knew Felipe loved his life and he wasn't afraid of anything or anyone.

I manoeuvred my way through the building to the location of Felipe's office, it wasn't difficult since this isn't my first time here.
Very sure it won't be the last either.

Approaching the room he called his office, his familiar laughter echoed through the slightly opened door.
Either he was with someone or he had gone crazy and was speaking to a wine bottle.

I peeked in to confirm my hypothesis.
Yeah, he was speaking to a girl. And I'm wondering what she said to make him rock with laughter.

Felipe Basttita.
If you need a full description of him.
Horrible face, horrible body and horrible attitude.
In conclusion everything about him was horrible.

Okay. Maybe I exaggerated a bit, but I'm not to be blame.
Mention a person that derives joy in giving description of their life sworn enemy.
Certainly not me.

I pushed open the door. Finally notifying them of my unnoticed presence.

Their head whipped back immediately my black leather shoes hit the wooden floorboards.
Felipe stood up from his chair with his familiar air of cockiness and pride.

He snapped his fingers sending his lady companion scurrying away with an amused look on her face.
I could I've sworn that I've seen her before, but then again, I've interacted with way too many girls.

"Ah Magione, on what do I owe this unexpected visit. Did you come to surrender, end our twenty years of being sworn enemies or perhaps you heard about my brief illness and came to visit." he poured out to me mockingly with that sly look on his face.

This is one of those perfect time when I can pull out the gun which I've specially reserve for this heaven rejected son of a bitch.

Give him twenty shots in his cold stone heart but that will have to be another time.

Too bad its hard to get that perfect moment again.

"Don't make fun of me Basttita, you of all people should know that I don't do that."

I stuffed my hands in my suit pocket and continued
"Besides the day that will happen is when ten fucking snowmen are made in hell."

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