Kihyun pt 2

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"Kihyun?" I asked into the phone's speaker, expecting a small voice to sound from the other end.

"Y/N? Hi..." His voice was gentle and a little husky, almost like I had woken him from his slumber.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" I asked, trying not to let my tears, sobs and sniffles come inbetween our conversation.

"No, it's okay....are you crying?" I could hear Kihyun shuffling a little, most likely sitting up in his bed as his voice became a little clearer.

"Uh's just..." Another sob immediately broke past my lips and I heard a panicked sigh come from the other line.

"I'll be right over baby, don't worry" he had hung up.

After I had called Kihyun that day, I had offered my forgiveness. For the last few months we've been growing closer once again...except we're only friends.

I had met another man and had recently began dating him. Though tonight I've been drowning in a sea of my own tears because of our breakup. He was cheating on me. I thought calling Kihyun could possibly bring me comfort but instead I broke down.

Within the next ten minutes and a knocking came from the apartment door. The darkness covered my entire apartment as I tiptoed towards the door, trying to be careful not to wake the neighbors below me.

Once I had pulled open the door, I was immediately taken into two strong arms. Arms that I was so familiar and attached to.

I could breath in his musky scent that managed to linger on my skin days after we hug.

"Thank you for being here" I whisper into his ear, feeling him shiver a little at my unexpected voice.

"Anything for you" he whispers. It's just like it was years ago.

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