BamBam (Christmas Special)

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"BamBam. No" you hate having to scold your boyfriend like a child, but all he's been doing is trying to find ways to know what you got him for Christmas.

You've always loved to spoil BamBam, and he always loves to spoil you. You loving seeing the beaming and sun bright expression on his face when he sees your gifts. Your the best gift giver.

The space under the Christmas tree was filled, only filled with presents for the two of you.

Christmas is tomorrow and BamBam has been over the moon. You've been trying to keep the presents a secret until tomorrow, but with the way he's going you might not be able to.

He's gone through your search history on your phone and computer. To his expense he found nothing but shirtless EXO photos and didn't speak to you for the rest of the day.

He tried shaking the gifts around to get any idea of what they could be, but you're such a good present wrapper that it's all tightly sealed.

He even tried ripping off sides of the paper to look at the boxes and called all of his members for clues on the gifts.

They never spoke a word.

"Oh please! Please! Please!" He whined like a child as he pulled his best aegyo on you, scrunching up his eyes and settling his lips into a pout.

You didn't have as much energy compared to the hyper child and were wondering how long you could hold out till you finally cracked.

He'd been at this since the first of December.

"Ohhhh" now it was your turn to whine.

"BamBam please just stop" you were begging now. Ready to get on your hands and knees to get him to stop complaint and asking.

"First give me a kiss" he pointed to his lips expectedly! And you hesitated a little before your own lips on his.

When you had pulled away he had smiled a you mischievously before tearing at the side of the box, ruining your well done wrapping and spooling one of his gifts completely.

"OH WOW" he seemed excited at the expensive glasses you had chased down for him. His lips were spread into a large grin and it made you smile a little before realising how agitated you were.

You immediately snatched the gift out of his hands before sticking your tongue out at him like a baby.

"You completely ruined the surprise, now you have to suffer 24 more hours of knowing that you can't use your gift"

"UGH Y/N PLEASE I BEG OF YOU PLEASE" your boyfriend is a baby, but you love him all the same.

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