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In my eternal slumber, a vision flashed in my head of the Glitter Force.

I prowled toward them as a pitch black wolf, my bat-like wings stiffening in anticipation and my fangs longing to sink into flesh. I could clearly see them struggling to stand. To fight.

A devilish grin crept upon my face. I still had a chance. And I knew exactly where to start.

I snapped my fingers, and in a flurry of feathers I had arrived at Emperor Nogo's final piece of Shadow. I remembered he had hidden it away, so only in his most desperate time of need would he be able to use it. I guess he forgot about it.

I rolled my eyes in a frustrated fashion. If he used it, he would have won. I sighed and turned my attention to the landscape around me. Even for a small Shadow, it was still quite large. This was so anyone who sought to destroy the reserve would get lost in the Shadow Forest. And even after the forest, there is an extra maze of caves. It would drive anyone insane, except for those of us made of negative energy.

After a long walk in the forest, I finally came across the cave entrance. Feeling happiness and hope arise in my chest, I quickly pushed it away. There should be no joy inside me. I was a being of evil.

I continued my journey into the cave and took the path that led to the reserve. Finally arriving at the end of the cave, I approached the chest sitting in the center. Kneeling, I noticed it was locked. I huffed while pulling a bobby pin out of my long, silver hair. I picked the lock  with some trouble and opened the chest. A buffoon head popped out, scaring me and almost giving me a heart attack. I had fallen on my butt and was clutching my chest, my heart pounding and my breathing ragged. When I got up and got a closer look at the buffoon, I realized it had something in its mouth. I took whatever it was and examined it carefully. It was a glass jar full of negative energy. I noticed there was a note on it that said;

'Here is some negative energy that might come in handy for bringing my one and only loyal shadow minion back to life. I think he may be able to help you with defeating the Glitter Force.'

I smiled as I opened the jar, letting out the negative energy which formed into an all too familiar shape. I looked up at him as he smiled down at me while his eyes turned to slits.

"Well hello there~" He purred.

"Glad to be back?" I asked him as I rolled my eyes at his never changing behavior.

"Only because I get to see the destruction of the world at the hands of my master Emperor Nogo." He looked around the cave after he was finished speaking and then looked back at me. "Also, what is a little brat doing here?"

"Well, for your information if you call me a brat, you're calling Emperor Nogo a brat." I retorted. Seeing the look of confusion of his face was priceless so I smiled evilly. "You look a little confused so let me spell it out for you. After you were turned into negative energy, Emperor Nogo destroyed the world. But Queen Candy revived the Glitter Force and defeated him for good, so there is no more Emperor Nogo. Although, I am his daughter so I guess you have to answer to me now." When I looked back at him, his eyes were red and he started laughing hysterically. On the outside it looked like he was just going insane but on the inside I could sense his seething rage building up inside him. I sighed and just watched him blow up in front of me, remaining stone-faced the whole time.

"HOW!? WE WERE SO CLOSE BUT THEN THE STUPID GLITTER FORCE HAD TO RUIN EVERYTHING!" He raged as he clutched his head and screamed at the ceiling. When I could sense he was about to throw something - or someone, I walked up behind him and started to tickle him. It wasn't good when he got this angry and he never ever got that far in his rage before. So, I had to tickle him before this whole cave would collapse because of him about to attack anything he could get his hands on. He started to laugh a little but pretty soon he was dying of laughter. He collapsed on the floor and I stopped tickling him. He was still laughing a little and gasping for breath. I kneeled down next to him and he stared at me with anger.

"Why did you do that?" He hissed.

"Well it was the only way to calm you down before you destroyed this whole cave." I softly explained as I still remained neutral.

"Oh..." He said. "Oops." I smiled and rolled my eyes at his comment and I stood back up. He got back up on his feet as well and turned around just as I kicked the buffoon head back in the chest and slammed it shut. He looked at me, slightly confused and I just responded,

"What? It scared the crap out of me earlier."

Illusion (Rascal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now