The Plan

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After telling him what happened and him going half insane already, I decided it was time to devise a plan. I didn't have any idea what to do with Queen Candy ruling now so I just kinda sat there in silence, deep in thought. After a little bit of thinking with no success, I noticed that Rascal was staring at me. I looked back at him and he just smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh nothing. You're just so beautiful when you think." I was taken back by his comment and stared at him in shock while blushing madly. "You're blushing a lot. What does that mean? Does it mean you possibly-?"

"SHUT UP!" I cut him off but he just chuckled mischievously. I was a blushing mess as he got up and walked across the room to me. I growled at him as he neared and he kneeled in front of me. He smiled at me while I just stared at him, watching his every move. He grabbed my hand but I jerked my hand away from his, my growl increasing. He then gently held his hand out and I stared at it for a moment before giving him my hand. He gently brought the back of my hand up to his face and kissed it. I stiffened and my blush deepened as he let go of my hand. He chuckled as he got up and walked away.

"Well if you don't mind, I'm going to go spy on the Glitter Force to see if I can think of anything." He sighed. In a flurry of cards, he disappeared. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I finally had some time to think without him flirting with me. When I realized he wont come back for a while, a pang of loneliness consumed me. Wait. Do I like him? Maybe I do, maybe I don't. I'm not sure because I don't know anything about relationships! I don't know what the signs are if people like each other! I need an expert on this. Somebody that knows everything about relationships. I can put the Glitter Force off until later. I want to get this smaller task done first.

I quickly decided to leave and try to find someone before Rascal came back. The only problem is, if I accidentally drop some information then it all could go spiraling down hill fast. I would just have to ask them the signs of being in love.

In a flurry of feathers I teleported to the library. I didn't have to worry about looking like a monster or anything because I was low on negative energy. So, with that being the case, I was not in my true form yet.

Seeing that the desk up front had a line out people checking books in and out, I decided to find somebody else in the library. Most people that read books are smart, right? I searched the bookshelves until I found the romance section. I waited there, making sure I looked like I was searching for something. A teenage girl rounded the corner and saw me standing there.

"Oh! Do you like romance books too?" She asked, excited.

"Yep." I lied. "Although I was wondering if you were willing to help me with something."

"What do you need?" She looked slightly confused as she saw my silver hair and young form.

"What are the signs of someone being in love?" I asked, now taking my icy blue gaze off of the books and focusing on her. She looked a little nervous at first as she processed what I said but quickly got excited again.

"This is actually my favorite topic!" She exclaimed. "First is when you see someone and blush while you have this butterfly feeling in your stomach! Then, it feels like you're dying on the inside when you develop a crush and you always want to see them! Finally you kill whoever gets in your way of being his!" I stared at her with surprise. The last part was very off and I never thought a human could be that creepy. She smiled up at me and said, "Just kidding on that last part! That's only in Yandere Simulator!" Then her watch beeped and she looked down at in in panic. "Oh no! I'm going to be late! Nice talking to you! Bye!" Then she ran to the front desk, put her book in the return stack and bolted out the door. I sighed, and once again disappeared in a flurry of feathers.

I had no idea what to do other than think about what she said. As I sat there in the cave pondering what to do next, I heard a flurry of cards outside the cave entrance. Rascal walked in with his usual mischievous smile and said,

"I think I may know a way to make Queen Candy weak." I immediately perked up and quickly got to my feet.

"Really!? Are you absolutely sure?" I asked, trying to contain my excitement.  He nodded and replied,

"Meet me at the park and I will show you." I nodded and we both disappeared in a flurry of cards and feathers. I froze when I realized I had teleported to the wrong spot. I was out in the open field, just outside of the trees and the Glitter Force was staring at me with wide eyes. I quickly fled into the forest and they followed close behind.

"Wait!" They called. "Come back!" Everything was happening too fast for my liking. First I was in a slumber, then the stupid cave with the jump-scare clown, then falling for Rascal, and finally running away from the Glitter Force! What is happening to me!?

When I turned a corner in the path, something yanked me into cover. I was held tight up against Rascal's chest as he hugged me close and kept a watchful eye on the Glitter Force to make sure they hadn't seen us. He hadn't noticed I was a blushing mess.

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