Good and Evil

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As I took the Glitter Force back to the cave with Rascal, I kept having doubts that I wouldn't be brainwashed by my father again. I huffed angrily as I kept ahead of the group, trying to clear my thoughts. After we reached the cave, I was getting hungry for negative energy. I ignored it the best I could and we all sat down in the middle of the cave to discuss what Glitter Breeze had in mind.

"So, you're made of negative energy, correct?" I nodded. She thought for a long moment and spoke again, "I think there could be way to separate you and your father." My wolf ears perked and my eyes lit up.

"Really!?" She smiled and nodded. "How!?" She thought for another long moment.

"I...don't know. I would need to think more on this but meanwhile, you can all do whatever you need to. I'm going to be here for a while." I grumbled in disappointment and got up to go take a walk. I walked to the cave entrance and looked up at the never setting moon.

"Can I join you?" I turned around to see Rascal smiling his signature smile.

"Why not?" I giggled and smiled back at him. We walked in silence until we got to the clearing where I had transformed before. I got an idea in my head and opened my wings. I flew in circles over Rascal's head a few times and then darted away into the shadows. "Try to find me!" I called with laughter in my voice.

I had hidden behind a tree on the edge of the clearing and after a while of silence, I peeked out from behind the tree. He was gone. I looked around for him but couldn't​ see him anywhere in the clearing. My wolf ears perked as I heard a noise behind me and I whipped around to see Rascal looming over me. I yelped in fear and stumbled backward, tripping over a root. I prepared to hit the ground but was caught by a pair of arms instead. I opened my eyes to see Rascal's face inches from mine. I blushed and felt my heart flutter in my chest. He smiled gently and stared into my eyes.

"It doesn't make it very fair for the hider if the seeker can see." He laughed as he gently put me back on my feet.

"Oops! Well then, I guess I'll just have to..." I trailed off and he looked at me in confusion. "Tag! You're it!" I exclaimed as I poked him in the chest and playfully stuck my tongue out at him. I bolted away and listened for another pair of footsteps. They appeared after a moment of silence and I looked over my shoulder to see him happily chasing.

I was getting a little tired and slowed down only to be swept up in Rascal's arms. I squeaked in alarm and giggled as he spun me around in circles. He set me down back on my feet and hugged me close, running his fingers through my hair. I hugged him back and buried my face in his shoulder. I felt happiness surge through me and I smiled.

The moon bathed the clearing in a gentle light that washed over the both of us. After a few moments of silence, I gently pulled away and grabbed his hand, leading him to the middle of the clearing. I sat down in the cool grass, facing the moon, and patted the spot next to me while looking over my shoulder at him with a gentle smile. He sat down and wrapped an arm around my waist, planting a small kiss on my cheek. I blushed and leaned into him, feeling a little drowsy. After staring at the beautiful moon a little while longer, my eyes started to droop. Being held in Rascal's embrace made me forget all my worries. I happily slipped off into a peaceful sleep before I could hold a single thought about my father.

When I awoke, I was laying down and not leaning against Rascal. Instead I was cuddled up to his side, laying in the grass. I could tell he was sleeping by the soft beating of his heart. It started to lull me back to sleep but I sat up in defiance of sleeping any longer. I looked back down at his sleeping form and smiled.

I suddenly realized how hungry I was. I couldn't help it anymore. I felt like I was going to die if I didn't get any negative energy soon. I was about to get up but I looked back at Rascal and sighed. I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the forehead. I smiled once again and then looked up at the moon.

Disappearing in a flurry of feathers, I reappeared in the middle of the town with the negative energy book. I was thankful it was night, but I still felt uneasy. I decided to do it quickly and just get it over with. I remembered what Rascal had done and I did my best to copy him. The negative energy poured into the book and I felt it transfer into me. I sighed in relief and didn't feel the hunger anymore.

I heard a noise behind me and whipped around to see a man unaffected by the gathering of negative energy. My eyes widened in confusion and he approached me. I stepped backward, trying to keep a comfortable distance from him, but he kept walking. As I backed up, I bumped into something. I whipped around to see another man. In desperation, I tried to teleport but it didn't work. I started to panic and tears welled up in my eyes.

There were six of them now and I knew there was no way out. I whimpered and clutched my head, a headache pounding like a raging river. I felt like I was being torn from the inside out and I cried out in pain. My silver wolf ears and tail turned black as night and my wings shed their feathers to reveal bat wings. My hair turned Crimson and my pupils faded to a bright red. Cracks could be heard from my bones and I let out shrieks of pain. I staggered around, clutching my head until I collapsed on my hands and knees. I had one last thought before I was taken over by my father.

This is all my fault.

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