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Rascal's POV:

I woke up and realized that Illusion was not in my embrace anymore. My eyes widened and I sat up right as a flurry of feathers appeared in front of me. After it disappeared, a single feather landed next to my hand. I picked it up and gazed at it. It was a beautiful pure white that made me smile as I examined its features. Suddenly, Chloe ran into the clearing, followed by the others. I looked up at them in surprise as they approached. The weird thing was, they were all panicked.

"What's wrong?" I asked. Chloe stopped a few feet from me and asked with fear clear in her voice,

"Where did she go?" I shrugged but felt a strange aura in the air. I looked around, suspicious of something happening. Chloe gasped, startling me and I looked at her in confusion. "The feather!" She cried. I looked at the feather again and my eyes widened in fear. The beautiful, pure white feather was fading to black and then disintegrating. Its ashes floated to ground and I was frozen in panic.

"No." I breathed. Rage surged through my body like a wildfire and I let out an angry scream at the moon. "NO!"

Illusion's POV:

My vision blacked out and I felt as if I was falling through an endless pit of darkness. I was drowning in it's murky waters and I couldn't resurface. I was in the darkest part of my mind where I had kept my father. My lungs started to fail against the sticky, black liquid and I suddenly felt my feet touch the solid ground. Chains coiled around my arms and legs, making me stay if I tried to fight against my father. Out of the groggy feeling, I closed my eyes and when I opened them, I was a ghost floating around what once was my own body.

The six men that had surrounded me before were actually molds of negative energy. My father absorbed them and grew in size. My eyes widened and I frantically thought of what I could do. I had to fight. I had to save my friends.

I closed my eyes and opened them again to see nothing different. I couldn't go back. I snarled in frustration and decided to see how far away from my body I could go. I flew over a few feet and was stopped by my chains. I tugged on them, but I knew nothing would break them.

Racking my brain, I realized I could get out with what Glitter Lucky used to defeat my father. Hope. I thought about Rascal and how much I loved him. And, if I got out, how bright of a future we could have. I thought about the possible friendship with the Glitter Force and being under the just rule of Queen Candy.

My chains began to crack, causing my father to whip around in surprise. He could sense me but couldn't see or stop me. Happiness flooded through me and the chains shattered, letting me float back to the surface and escape. I fell to the ground as a different being. I was now a giant white wolf with beautiful, angelic wings. My father's eyes widened and I smiled back at him.

He growled and launched at me, but I easily dodged his attack and tackled him, my power being much more than his. He beat his wings and tried to kick me off but none of his efforts affected me. I sank my teeth into his neck and he thrashed harder in panic, finally throwing me off. I hadn't reached his neck because of his thick fur, but I was still satisfied.

We prowled in a circle, tensely alert and growling. My father lunged without warning and was able to sink his teeth in my shoulder. I howled in pain. Snapping, I snatched his wing with my teeth and used my jaw to snap it, making him yelp and let go. With a powerful surge of love for my friends, I snatched him by the scruff and threw him down the road. I spread my wings with a dominant air and looked defiantly at my father. My shoulder pain had disappeared.

"How!? How are you so strong!?" My father yelled with fear in his voice.

"Real love and truth are stronger in the end than any evil or misfortune in the world." I said softly as he stared at me with shock. He growled and launched himself at me once more. "You never learn, do you?" I asked. I dodged his attack and he skidded to a halt. "Love is stronger than any evil." I rose in the air and dove toward him with lightning speed. I tackled him and sank my teeth into his neck, this time reaching flesh. After biting his neck with a firm grip, I flew high into the air as he struggled to escape. I dropped him and watched as he writhed in the air, attempting to fly with a broken wing. He landed on the ground with a sickening thud and the sky was instantly cleansed from the effects of negative energy.

I softly landed on the ground and felt sorrow shoot through me. Even though my father was evil, I still felt grief for killing him. I walked over to his dead body and lay next to it, resting my head on the pavement to stare into my father's eyes. Eventually, his body disintegrated into nothing and I let out a quiet sigh. I stood back up and heard a familiar voice calling my name.

"Illusion!" I whipped around to see Rascal running towards me. I smiled with happiness and ran towards him, but I felt different after I took the first step. I was in my normal form again!

I stopped to turn back around and saw a white and blue ghost of my wolf form. My eyes widened and I stared into the eyes on the wolf. I took a few steps toward it and it greeted me with a nod of it's head. It glanced over my shoulder and gestured for me to turn around. That simple gesture told me everything,

'Turn around and greet your friend, I can wait to explain.'

I nodded in response and turned around, suddenly enveloped in an embrace and a deep kiss. I closed my eyes and kissed back, happy to be in Rascal's arms again.

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