Making Peace?

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Rascal and I had been waiting and quietly chatting in the cave after waking up. I was anticipating talking to the Glitter Force. I want to join them, but I just hope they can accept us and won't attack.

I took a glance at my book bag and sighed. I did all that homework for nothing. I'm glad I didn't waste my time on math. That would have sucked. Rascal decided we could take a walk in the park while we wait and I agreed. It was almost time to meet the Glitter Force anyway, and they like to hang out in the park after school, so that's always helpful.

Rascal teleported us to the park and we started to walk around in the woods, watching for the Glitter Force as we walked along the edge of the forest. We eventually saw the Glitter Force arrive at the park and we went to greet them. Lily spotted us first and froze in fear. Her friends were wondering what was wrong but then followed her gaze to see us. They all got in their battle stances and Candy jumped out of Emily's purse to stand protectively in front of her friends. I smiled a little at their cute attempt to intimidate us.

"Don't take another step or else." Candy growled squeakily. Rascal and I stopped in our tracks. They looked a little surprised but kept their composure. In the calmest voice I could muster, I spoke,

"Whatever you say your majesty." This got a reaction out of everyone - except Rascal. "Although, if I may speak, I would like to explain our surrender." This increased their reaction ten fold.

"Are you seriously surrendering to us!?" Candy exclaimed. I nodded and started to explain,

"When my father, Emperor Nogo, was defeated, there was one part of him that escaped. It was a fragment of what he was but it was also me. I hardly knew what was wrong or right, so I followed my father's footsteps to conquer you. My first plan didn't work when you saw me in the park and then saw Rascal and I together. My second plan was working but after my very painful transformation, I felt older and a little wiser. I don't want to follow in my fathers footsteps anymore, so I surrender." The Glitter Force's jaws dropped to the ground and Candy had the funniest look of surprise on her face. I couldn't help but giggle a little bit. "You guys are adorable when you're surprised."

"T-thanks...?" Emily looked confused. I smirked and asked,

"So, what now?" Rascal shrugged and the Glitter Force looked at each other in confusion before they did a group huddle. As they chatted away, Rascal and I had our own conversation on a serious topic.

"I bet they will reject us." Rascal thoughtfully tilted his head.

"I think not."

"How much are you putting on the bet?"

"500 yen."

"I will as well, good luck~" He purred.

"Same to you." We shook hands and turned back the Glitter Force who had just broke out of their huddle. "So?" I asked them.

"We accept your surrender, if you truly mean it." I nodded in response to Emily. "Then, it looks like our happy ending is saved!" The girls gave a cheer. I boiled with rage and my voice came out demonically,

"Stop celebrating, brats! I'm coming back soon! You better be ready!" Everyone froze and stared at me in surprise, even Rascal. I snapped back to my own self and put my hands over my mouth. In my own voice I said, "Um, what?" Rascal raised an eyebrow and excused us for a moment while we privately talked.

"What was that?" He asked.

"I seriously don't kn-you fool! You betrayed me! How dare you!" In the middle of my sentence, my demonic side came back. I snapped back once more and looked at Rascal with wide eyes. I figured out what was going on. "It's my dad." I breathed in shock.

A sharp pain shot through me and I lost all control. I viciously launched at Rascal, but he was able to teleport behind me and pin my arms behind my back. I struggled and snapped as he did his best to keep me in check. Apparently, my dad had enough and my wings grew three times as big. This startled him and he quickly let go. I whipped around and grabbed Rascal by neck. With a powerful flap of my wings, I took off into the air while the Glitter Force watched in shock.

"We have to help Rascal!" Emily exclaimed. Her friends looked at her in surprise but soon agreed. They did their transformations as my grip on Rascal's neck tightened.

"Illusion!" Rascal gasped as his hands tried to pry mine off his throat. "Stop!" My grip tightened and I growled,

"Never." I then flew higher into the air and with Rascal under me, we fell out of the sky. We were grappling with one another to gain control but we were seconds from hitting the ground.

On the inside, I was having my own war. But it was too late. We had already crashed into the ground and there was a small crater in the park where we had landed. People at the park had been watching us for a while but started to scream and run away.

I snapped back to my old self but my wings didn't shrink. When I saw my hand around Rascal's throat with him out cold under me. I pulled away and froze in fear. I was suddenly blown away by a Glitter Storm followed by the other's attacks. I was thrown back and slammed into a tree. I cried out in pain and tried to get up, but I was too injured to move. I looked up at the Glitter Force approaching me menacingly and at first I was afraid. The voice of my father told me to get revenge on the Glitter Force. I shook my head to clear my thoughts but his voice rang clear through my head.

I know you are rebelling against me but this is the Glitter Force's fault. If they never existed, then this would have never happened. As I felt negative energy envelope my mind, a devilish smile spread across my face and I spoke to my father out loud,

"Then I will wipe them off the face of the earth." My gaze shifted up to Glitter Force and I launched myself at them with untamable rage.

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