The Transformation

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(You fangirls are gonna love this >:3)

Rascal's POV:

I saw her put her math homework down and take a break. I decided to follow her into the woods just in case anything happened. After a little while of following, she had a strange aura around her. Once we got to a clearing, she collapsed in the middle of it. I froze in fear. What was happening? I raced towards her and kneeled beside her.

"Illusion! Don't go! Come on, stay with me!" I exclaimed. But, to no avail, she went limp. Everything keeps passing by like a bullet. I saved her not a few hours ago and now what? Was that all for nothing? For the first time in my life, I cried. A tear rolled down my cheek and landed on hers.

I gently picked her up in my arms as a storm rolled in and covered the moon. The light faded from the clearing and was replaced with the light from lightning. It started to drizzle on us but I didn't want to move. I held her close to me and pressed my forehead against hers while I cried. I had no idea why this was happening but I know I just wanted her back.

I gently brushed the raindrops from her cheeks and cupped her cold but beautiful face. The moon gently started to shine through the storming clouds and shone on us once more. I looked up at the full moon and felt the rain pelt my face. I felt Illusion shift a little and my gaze shot back down to her. She had silver wolf ears and tail, with a small pair of wings on her back. My eyes widened as she slowly opened her eyes to look up at me.

Illusion's POV:

I slowly blinked my eyes open to see Rascal holding me in his arms while a thunderstorm was brewing above. I saw he was crying and my eyes widened.

"Rascal? What happened? Why are you crying?" I murmured as I reached up to cup his cheek. His eyes widened and he smiled softly, tears still traveling down his face.

"I thought I lost you..." He whimpered. I sat up to face him and stared into his eyes. He leaned his forehead against mine and wrapped his arms around my waist. I gently pressed my lips against his. I felt a spark inside me. Something felt different as the kiss deepened and the rain softly drizzled over us.

Once we parted, our gazes locked. Feeling overwhelmed with happiness, I hugged him tightly and felt my tail wag a little. Wait. What!? I froze and whipped my head around to see a silver wolf tail with a pair of wings. I felt the top of my head and, sure enough, there were ears. "What the Jubiland happened!?" I exclaimed. He weakly chuckled and said,

"You transformed." I froze and looked back at him.

"Wait. I did?" I asked.

"Apparently so." He smiled his usual smile. A big grin spread across my face and my tail wagged like never before. I was covered in kisses by Rascal and I laughed all the while.

"Rascal!" I exclaimed playfully.

"You're so cute when you do that." I tilted my head to the side and asked,

"Do what?" He laughed and responded,

"Everything." I rolled my eyes and gave him a big hug. I nuzzled my face into his chest and my tail wagged once more. He hugged me back and sighed in content. "This might sound crazy but I don't think we should fight the Glitter Force anymore."

"I agree." I murmured. "It's pointless now because I never really wanted to be like my dad. Well, my intentions were clear but something in the back of my head told me to stop. Of course I didn't listen before, but now I will. I don't want to be my dad anymore. I just want to be with you." I looked back up at him and our eyes met. He nodded and said,

"I couldn't have said it any better." I rested in his embrace for a moment before we had to get out of the rain because the storm was getting worse. Rascal got up, helping me up in the process, and we teleported back to the cave. Apparently, Rascal was still wanting to cuddle, but I was fine with that. I was cold and wet anyways so why not?

We went to the back of the cave and sat down in the corner where it was warm. I was sitting sideways in Rascal's lap with his arms around me while we quietly chatted about what we should do next. We both agreed before morning came, we would get some rest and then meet the Glitter Force in the park after school. I wouldn't even come to school the next day. I know it was short lived, but I only said that because I didn't want to do math anymore. I also didn't want to deal with any more bully crap. It was as if when I was at my weakest point, I was childish but when I transformed into my true self, I was like an experienced 20 year old. I was also a little taller after I transformed and I was happy about not being short anymore.

I felt a strange feeling in my heart when he gently kissed me good night and I didn't know what it was. I thought back to what that girl told me in the romance section of the library. Was it love? I liked the feeling of love. It was a feeling I have never had before and it brought me joy for once in my life. All I wanted to do was be in Rascal's embrace forever. I slowly slipped away into a deep sleep and sighed in content as Rascal hugged me closer.

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