Boss Fight

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I launched myself at them with a bone chilling howl, my eyes glowing red. They looked prepared for my attack, but they had no idea what was in store for them. I decided to go for Glitter Lucky first since I wanted to take out their leader. No leader, no hope. Tackling Glitter Lucky, I was able to pin her down without much effort. Before I could properly attack, I got a hard punch to the side and was thrown across the grass. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would, so I bared my teeth - wait, what? I realized I had transformed into a full on jet black wolf. My previously feathered wings had molted to reveal bat-like wings. I gave a toothy grin at my new form before returning my attention to the Glitter Force.

Glitter Sunny launched at me with her fist pulled back, ready to strike. I dashed out of the way and she punched the air, tumbling when her fist failed to hit her target. Before she could move, I lunged at her with bared teeth, but she was tackled out of the way by Glitter Spring, who took the blow from my attack. Sunny looked at Spring with wide eyes and looked up at me with anger. I smiled in a sinister way as I looked down at her injured friend.

I was hit by a single sparkle blizzard but was not affected by it. Because of my new form, my body was now immune to their weak attacks. I laughed menacingly as my red eyes pierced through the smoke. Glitter Peace stared at me with fear and hid behind Glitter Breeze.

I was slammed down onto the ground because of Glitter Lucky's attack from above. It knocked me down, but before I got up, an idea struck. I pretended to be defeated, but secretly watched them through slit eyes. They ran over to Glitter Sunny, who was helping up Glitter Spring, and looked at their friend with worry. I waited until they changed back into their normal forms and then I silently got up.

I summoned my most powerful attack by howling. The sky darkened with a blood moon and the sun vanished. I was bathed in the light of the red moon and was drenched in negative energy. I felt power surge through my veins as I charged towards the shocked Glitter Force on all fours. Before I got to them, I summoned a ball of dark red energy in my jaws as I leapt up in the air. I threw it at them and it caused a shock wave across the whole park. A few trees were uprooted and a giant crater remained where the Glitter Force had been standing. I growled as I watched them help each other up rather painfully. I landed just outside the crater and prowled towards them. My bat-like wings stiffened in anticipation and my fangs longed to sink into flesh. I could clearly see them struggling to stand. To fight.

Before I could reach them, there was a flurry of cards and Rascal appeared in front of me, protecting the Glitter Force. I could tell he was badly injured and could barely stand, but he held his ground.

"Illusion. Stop. This isn't you." I didn't listen and continued coming. "This is your father. Not the Illusion I know." I then froze for a moment to think. Who would I trust? My dad or my true love? My dad was evil and wanted to destroy the world, along with the love between Rascal and I.

My dad didn't like these thoughts and tried to take over again. I didn't let him. Inside was a terrible fight but on the outside I was staggering around and shaking my head as if I could somehow get him out.

Looking at Rascal once again, I felt a surge of hope. The night sky gently faded back to the sky blue and the moon faded while the sun shone brighter. I whimpered and turned back to my normal self. Before I knew it, tears were streaming down my face and I fell to my knees.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I wept as I felt my heart shatter. I couldn't believe I let my father trick me like that. I felt familiar arms wrap around me and I was pulled into Rascal's chest. He held me gently and was quick to hug him back. Burying my face in his shoulder, I wept.

"It's okay. It's not your fault." I held on tighter and whimpered,

"Yes it is. If I didn't listen to my dad, this would have never happened." He ran his fingers through my hair and gave me a kiss on the top of the head.

After a while of crying, I finally calmed down. I wiped away the remaining tears and stood up with Rascal. I walked over to the Glitter Force with a weak smile. "I'm extremely sorry and I want to help finish off my father for good. So, I will try my very best to keep him in deepest corners of my mind. I can never be fully rid of his since I am part of him but I can still prevent him from taking over." I held out my hand to Glitter Lucky, and to her friends' surprise, she smiled sweetly and shook my hand. "Again. I am very sorry for that."

"It's alright, we all make mistakes. Am I right girls?" After a few seconds, Lily smiled and agreed. A few moments later, the rest agreed and smiled. I then helped them out of the crater and we teleported them to the cave.

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