A/N: Final Thoughts

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I must apologize for all the confusion, waiting, and unfulfilled promises.

Before now, I had no idea how many people would continue to discover and read my book. I had no intention of it getting almost 20k reads. I had no clue how many amazing, funny, and supportive comments I would receive. I have been through thick and thin when writing these books. I have crossed plains, climbed mountains, and discovered countless lands. Writing has been my passion through all of it, and has kept me going even in my darkest times. And because of my friends and all of you lovely readers, I kept going. I kept dreaming and pursuing.

Now, with me no longer in school, and this whole mess happening outside, I feel myself being sucked back into the art of writing. I feel that drive to explore and write about worlds that only exist in my head. I'm not only doing my best to pick up my broken promises and make them better, but I'm also working on some more physical goals. Alongside my wonderful friend, I am working on physical novels to be published.

As I look back at all I've been through and accomplished, I am still in shock of how far I've come. Only recently did I realize how big of a role writing played in my life. I can't help but feel ecstatic and hopeful for the future to come.

I'm sorry for neglecting my promises and trying to ignore everything in hopes of my mistakes disappearing. I am extremely grateful for those who have stayed with me and supported me. I hope I can make things better.

Thank you.

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