Darling you'll be okay..

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Side note.. I added a picture of Charlotte to the side, and I'll include one of Tesla in the next chapter. This is my first FanFiction, but I hope you like it :)

-Charlotte's POV-

I wake up to the sound of something outside my window. I check my phone, 5:00 am. Who the hell is up this early. I get up and open my window and immediately see my best friend Tesla.

"GOOD MORNING CHAR!" she screams in my ear.

"Really Tess? Five in the morning? What is so important that it couldn't wait till school?" I say.

"I just came to say hey, figured you wouldn't be up, so you wouldn't hear the door if I knocked, so I came to the window. I woke up early and got bored at home, plus Paul was about to wake up and I didn't want to have our daily confrontation." she says quietly.

"It's okay Tess. I understand. It's just a little earlier than usual for me." I say. Meaning I normally don't wake up until five minutes before I leave for school. I stopped caring a long time ago about what I looked like.

"Where's Joe and your mom?" Tess says nervously.

I hadn't even thought about it.. Shit. "Hold on, i'm gonna check the house real quick." I tell her.

I get up off the bed and tip toe into the hall. I decide to check their room first, no sign of them. I check the whole house and for the car outside. I walk back into my room and shut the door again. "I have no clue, but I hope they don't come back." Tess nods her head.

I guess I should give you a little back story. I'm Charlotte, 18 years old and a senior in high school. I live in a small town in Arizona with my drunk of a mom and her boyfriend Joe.

My dad left when I was 11, and I haven't seen him since, which is just fine. My dad beat my mom the whole time they were together. My sister was 5 when I was born, and she was 7 when the abuse began. When I turned 6, my father began beating me as well.

The abuse continued for years. When I was 11, my sister committed suicide. I was the one who found her hanging in her bed room. She left me a note about how sorry she was. That she just couldn't take it anymore, how worthless she felt. She told me to be strong, to be strong for her.

After my sister died, my dad left me and my mom. We had nowhere to live and we just moved around from family member to family member. When I turned 12, my mom met Joe. We moved in with him. His house was beautiful. It was a two story and Joe made good money.

I remember thinking that life was going to get so much better. I didn't realize how wrong I was. My mom had always been an alcoholic, but after my dad left it just got worse. She began to take her anger out on me. She began to abuse me just like my father. Both physically and verbally. Making me feel worthless in any way possible.

I started to self harm when I was 13. I just couldn't take it anymore and I needed something to get rid of everything going on in my head. It was my release.

The only light in my life was Tesla. My best friend. I met her when I was 14. We had a few of our classes together and became close immediately. We confided in each other and found that we had been through the same things.

She had been abused by her single drunk father since she was little and self harmed same as me. We had been friends ever since. So yeah that's it.

We sit and talk for a bit about bands and such. "Char, can I do your hair and make up today?"

Tess says with definite excitement in her voice. She knows I can't tell her no. "I guess you can."

I never really bother with putting makeup on or fixing my hair nicely. Nobody cares anyway but Tesla loves stuff like that. It's what she wanted to do after we graduate

"YAY! I brought my makeup, straightener, and some extra clothes!" Tess yells. Of course she did.

She straightens my hair, does my full out makeup, and gives me her favorite Pierce the Veil shirt to wear with some skinny jeans. I put my own black Vans on and decide to look in the mirror. "Holy shit.." I whisper when I look.

I forgot what I look like when I actually get ready. I laugh a little. "Did I do an okay job?" Tess says.

"I love it Tess! Thank you. You're gonna do great when you graduate."

I love the shirt the most. It was a Piece the Veil crewneck with the cover of Collide With The Sky on it. I bought it for her for her birthday, and she loved it. I should have got one for me to, but I didn't.

I am glad she let me wear it today. Pierce the Veil was my favorite band, they saved my life. Tesla loved them too, they were her close second favorite. Her absolute favorite was Blessthefall. I think that had something to do with her being in love with Elliott.

"Time to go or we are definitely going to be late!" I tell Tess.

"Alright, alright" Tess laughs. We leave the house and get in Tess's car. The only good thing that came from her dad, his car.

He didn't have a license and was always to drunk to drive even if he had one. "I just want this week to go by as quickly possible." I tell Tesla. It is the last week of school and then we are finally out of that hellhole forever.

June 18 couldn't come fast enough after that, Warped Tour was going to be wonderful.

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