Dizzy Dreamer.

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We make our way onto Pierce the Veil's bus and Tony lets me lay down on his bunk, and Tess takes Jaime's right next to me.

"We have to go back out and do a signing but you can stay here till we get back." Tony tells me. "Okay, thank you."

As they walk out the door, Tess immediately turns to me. "OH MY GOD. Char we are in Pierce the Veil's bus. I never thought this would happen to us." she says.

"Me either. I don't feel all fangirl like, just happy. I think I'm gonna take a nap until they get back. Is that okay Tess?" I ask.

"Yeah of course. I'm pretty tired too. Long day." she laughs.

We're woken to the sound of laughter and yelling coming from another part of the bus. I wake up first, and shake Tess's shoulder. She sits up and stretches. "Come on, I wanna see what they're doing." I tell her and we walk out of the bunks.

We see Jaime, Vic, and Mike playing some video game. They look pretty focused, so I walk by and sit by Tony and Tess sits on my other side.

"Hi sleepyhead." Tony says and I smile. "How long have we been asleep?" Tess asks him.

"A few hours I think." he tells her. I didn't even care, it's not like we had anywhere to be the next day.

The boys stop playing their game and turn towards us. They all introduce themselves, like we didn't already know them.

"I'm Charlotte, but you can call me Char." I say nervously. "I'm Tesla, but I prefer Tess. It's easier." Tesla tells them.

"Cool, nice to meet you." Jaime says with his always present smile.

"Char, who was that guy who hit you?" Vic asks me.

"Uh, Kyle. He's my ex-boyfriend.. It's no big deal, I promise." I tell him. "It is a big deal. No girl deserves to be hit." Tony says.

"Yeah, what a douche." I hear Mike say. "Tony hit him pretty good, so he should know to leave you alone." Vic tells me. I forgot Tony had punched him..

"How's your hand?" I ask Tony. "It's fine, sore, but I'm okay. It was worth it." he tells me.

"Thank you guys for that. I couldn't have gotten rid of him without your help." Tess tells them. "No problem." Vic tells her.

"So, how was your Warped experience before all this went down?"

"It was pretty damn good. Got to see most of our favorites." Tess tells them.

Shit, we didn't even get to see Blessthefall. "I'm so sorry Tess. We didn't make it to Blessthefall. I'm sorry, it's my fault." I tell her. "It's okay Char, it's not your fault. It's fine, we can always see them next year." she tells me and then hugs me.

"You wanted to see Blessthefall?" Jaime asks Tess. "Yeah, they're my favorite."

"Their bus is right next door, you could at least meet them if you wanted." they tell her. "You guys could do that? That'd be wonderful." Tesla says almost jumping up and down.

"Yeah, it's no problem." they stand up and head for the door. "Do you mind if I stay here?" I ask Tess and the guys as well.

"Yeah, you can stay here if you want. I'll stay with you." Tony tells me. I sit on the couch and he takes the spot next to me.

"Thank you Tony." I tell him and turn towards Tess. "Is that okay?" I ask. "That's fine Char. I don't mind." she tells me.

As she walks out the door I yell just to embarrass her. "DON'T FORGET TO FANGIRL OVER ELLIOTT." I laugh at the face she makes at me. "Oh, I won't." she tells me and winks.

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