Bravery in the Demons

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The rain was light, patting against the cobble stone of Dressrosa. Which was taken over by Donquixote Doflamingo. A man who has bought out everyone with his large smile and acts of kindness to the people. It hardly rained in Dressrosa but when it did people hurried to get under cover as the rain poured down harder. Besides one who sucked down a cigarette leaning against an alley. The rain dripped against his hood as his dark amber eyes watched people patted by. Splashing in puddles and holding umbrellas above there heads. Couples walked by earning a grunt from the man who gritted down his cigarette.

"Love is for the weak." He growled.

He stepped out his cigarette and walked down the street, his amber eyes flicking through the people walking but until he narrowed to a woman holding a hand of a small child.

"Bingo." He muttered.

This was Eustass Kidd, a criminal loose on the street. A thief even. He walked past the lady snatching her bag before bolting. She cried out for someone to help. Kidd turned to a few of the officers, who chased after him.

"Haah! Catch me if you can coppers!" Kidd laughed.

He picked up the pace shoving through people, or knocking them down. He slipped past the cops when an arm pulled him into an alley. Kidd and Killer watched as the cops dashed by. They looked to each other before high fiving.

"I owe you one Killer." Kidd chuckled opening the bag.

"Yeah, like the time before that, and the time before that." Killer said.

"Yeah yeah, whatever can it."

He pulled out some cash and some loose jewelry.

"Alright, this is good, I bet we can get to Heat for some cash on the jewelry, and maybe the bag." Kidd grinned.
"Sure, then we can head home."

They smiled to each other before leaving the alley and blending into the crowd of people. Killer and Kidd split up with smirk and a glance to each other. Kidd crossed the street with the purse stuffed up his sweatshirt. He lit himself another cigarette before heading down the street to the shady run down side of the city. The part where Doflamingo gave less of a care for the people here. The ones who have stood up against him, the ones who fight for justice.

"Eustass Kidd, haven't seen your face around here in a while."

He turned to Smoker leaning against a wall in an alley. Kidd rolled his eyes as smoker inhailed the rest of his cigars.

"Smoker, what the hell are you doing here?" Kidd snarled.

"I'm looking for someone." Smoker said.

Kidd cocked an none existent brow, "Oh someone went missing?"

"Not exactly, he stole something from Doflamingo. Confidential papers. I know nothing of what they were or why this, man. Had stolen them."

"Can I ask who?" Kidd asked.

"Trafalgar Law, Doflamingo's 'favorite' son."

Kidd chuckled, "That feather bastard wouldn't have kids, or even pick a favorite in the bunch."
Smoker pulled out the buds of his cigars before blowing out the last of his smoke. He tossed them away before stepping on them.

"If you hear or see anything you would let me know right?"

"Sure, then we can sit down and braid each other's hair." Kidd shrugged sarcastically.

Smoker growled backing into the darkness of the alley, Kidd rolled his eyes and walked down the broken cement path to a small hole in the wall building. He opened the wooden door where inside was a tiny pawn shop. A light blue haired man turned to him, tattoo's of torns wrapped around his body.

"Kidd, what can I do for you?" Heat asked.

He pulled the bag out and tossed it on the counter. Heat pulled out the jewelry and looked at the bag.

"300. That's all I can get you." Heat said.

"Fine." Kidd grunted.

Heat pulled out fifteen twenty dollar bills and placed them in an envelope. He handed it off to Kidd before he left. Kidd stuffed the money in his pocket and headed back to meet Killer. In there run down cheap apartment on the outskirts of the city. Kidd went inside and checked the mail.


He sighed as he turned to the owner of the apartments, thick orange hair, dark brown eyes and a glare that can even stand Kidd's hair on end.

"Where's this months rent, Kidd?" Nami barked.

"Woman, I'm getting your money. So zip it."

Nami grabbed him by the ear and yanked him down to her level.

"If you speak to me like that again I will raise your debt by 10% got it."

"Yes yes, okay let go."

Nami let go before storming down to her office. Kidd rubbed his ear muttering curse words and headed up to his apartment. He and Killer split the rent evenly so it would be easier. But since Killer hasn't returned to the apartment in a while. Kidd's been paying it. He unlocked the door and headed inside, Killer was already inside cooking away. While Kidd kicked off his shoes.

"Oh wow, your home for once." Kidd grunted.

"I've been busy getting money, that's all." Killer said.

"Bullshit. You've been out seeing someone. I've been paying rent for two months now."

"I know, and I'm making it up to you."

Killer pointed to a thick envelope on the table, Kidd snatched it and opened it. His jaw slacked to the thousands of dollars in his hand.

"Damn, Killer. Who did you have to kill?" Kidd asked.

"I was hired by one of Doflamingo's, accomplishes. To get back a file or something. I don't know what it was, I just had to give back a silver case."

"Must of been very important to-"

"Kidd I'm leaving."

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