Never Have I Ever

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Law rubbed his wrist and turned to Kidd. Trafalgar Law, one of the small handful of Doflamingo's so called children. Smoker was looking for him. And now here he sat before him looking at him confused.

"Anyway, this calls for a drink." Law chimed.

Law picked up the folder and put it back in the suitcase. Kidd perked up to Law snapping shut the case and putting it in his room. Where he came back with a bottle of liquor. Kidd smirked to the familiar bottle.

"Care for a drink Eustass-ya?" Law asked.

Kidd smirked, "I can't say no to a drink."

So they gathered in the living room sitting side by side, a glass in there hands slowly drinking down the intoxicating beverage.

"Let's play a game." Law said.

Kidd turned to him, "What are you five?"

"A drinking game."

Kidd rolled his eyes, he had nothing better to do anyway.

"Have you heard of never have I ever?" Law asked.

"Probably in my rebel teenage age, but most of its blacked out." Kidd sighed, "So explain it."

"Simple, we ask each other Never have I ever questions, and if you have done it then you drink. Get it."

"I think so."

Law sighed resting back on the couch thinking of a question. He glanced over to Kidd and smirked.

"Never have I ever killed anyone." Law said.

Kidd chuckled swirling his drink, "I don't think so."

He hummed in thought thinking of a question.

"Never have I ever had sex."

Law drank, Kidd cocked a non existing brow.

"With who?"

"Your neighbor."

Kidd's jaw almost hit the floor, Law poured himself another glass.

"Sanji? But he-"

"It was a long time ago we both agreed on being. Fuck buddies. Of course it was fun and all but. He wanted something more. But I couldn't provide that and I left. But now I see he's in good hands now."

They sat in silence, looking at there glasses.

"Never have I ever robbed a house."

Kidd drank, "I was stealing something back they stole from me."

Law chuckled earning Kidd's attention with a small smile.

"Never have I ever blackmailed someone."

Law and Kidd both drank, both growing intoxicated. Until the bottle was empty, and they both were mostly drunk. Kidd's hiccups made Law chuckle.

"Alright I got one for yah." Kidd said.


"Never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex."

Law turned to him and smirked, "Would you like to?"

Kidd's eyes widened as Law finished off his glass. Law set his glass down and turned to Kidd, climbing into his lap and moving the glass. He cupped Kidd's cheeks before kissing him. Kidd's heart skipped a beat as his hands trembled to Law's hips. His walls that shut others out, that shut love out. Was knocked down. Law pulled back running his thumb across the bottom of Kidd's lip. He noticed the smudge in Kidd's lipstick and wiped his lips.

"Your kinda cute when your stunned." Law smirked.

Kidd gulped reaching up to Law's face and pulled him down in another kiss. It was drunk and sloppy, but it melted into passion and then lust. Law pulled back leaving them both breathless. Kidd looked up to Law as his hands traveled down to his hips.

"Can I touch you?" Kidd breathed.

Law pulled off his shirt as Kidd's eyes flicked to the tattoo's. His maroon nailed brushed over his abs and tattoo's. He noticed the small scars littered across his skin and wrapped his arms around Law's hips pulling him closer. His lips kissed his skin leaving maroon smudges across his skin. Law hummed tilting Kidd's head up and smirked.

"I don't like gentle." Law smirked.

Kidd smirked back tossing Law onto the floor and luring over him. He pulled a toothy grin before biting down at Law's skin. His nails dug into his skin leaving small crescents. Kidd growled backing off, Law sat up on his elbows.

"What's wrong, I know it's your first time. I can help you." Law said.

"It's not time for this. We're both drunk, I'd rather remember this."

"Sentimental are you?"

"Shut up."

"Then, kiss me some more."

Kidd grinned leaning down to kiss Law again. Arms wrapped around each other pretty much eating each other. Kidd's hands ran to Law's thighs and pulled his knee up to his hip. Kidd pulled back kissing down Law's jaw line to his neck. Leaving purple marks and bites along his skin. His hand traveled down Law's thigh to his ass giving it a form squeeze. Law hummed to this clutching onto Kidd's shirt. The door swung open as Law and Kidd perked up to Killer and Penguin in the doorway. Killer's jaw dropped, along with his helmet and his keys while Penguin's eyes almost fell out of his head.

"Killer?!" Kidd cried.

"Kidd?!" Killer gasped.

"Penguin." Law groaned.

"L-Law?!" Penguin stuttered.

Bepo barked earning everyone's attention.

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