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A/N: Alright I need your help. I'm starting a vote. If you want to hear more about it it's at the bottom.

Kidd hissed as Law set him on the dinning room table. Law removed his belt and buckled it to Kidd's arm earning his attention.

"What the hell are you doing?" He hissed.

"During the time it took for us to get here, your arm has gotten worse. So I'm cutting it off." Law said.

"You what?!"

Sanji placed a gag in his mouth before getting a bucket and placed it under Kidd's arm. Law and Sanji made eye contact before they knocked Kidd out.

When Kidd woke up next he was in bed, he looked to find his left arm gone. All that remained was a stump. He growled holding his shoulder. He noticed the time, it was 10:31 PM. He perked up to the small figure who crawled out of the chair across the room. Kidd furrowed to the figure before it hopped up onto his bed. Bepo sat on his bed and smiled.

"He was worried about you." He said.

"Law?" Kidd asked.

The boy nodded, "I've never seen him like that only once before."

"Would you mind telling me, what the hell you are?"

Bepo looked down to his orange jumpsuit and started to play with a button. He then glanced to the door before back to Kidd. Kidd glanced up to the door as Bepo hopped off the bed and approached the door. He opened it and turned to Kidd.

"It's not mine to tell." He said.

Kidd furrowed as he got up and headed out to the living room. His eyes almost fell out of his head looking at all the blood smeared all over the living room. Bepo walked. Around it and walked over to Law and tapped his cheek. Who was asleep on the couch. He grumbled and turned to Bepo and smiled. Law sat up as Bepo yawned and headed into Law's room. Kidd growled furrowing to Law.

"You better tell me what the fuck is going on before I send your ass onto the street." Kidd barked.

Law sighed running a hand through his hair before looking over to Kidd. He patted the spot next to him having Kidd sit down beside him.

"About thirteen years ago, Corazon and I went into Caesar's lab. When we were all living happily with Doflamingo. We were just messing around with some of the chemicals. But. It turned out. We created something, someone, who was an accident. Bepo was created in that lab, we panicked and went through Caesar's books and turned Bepo into a dog. It wasn't until now, his true form has been reveled." Law said.

Kidd rested back against the couch. He sighed wrapping his arm around Law and pulled him into his chest. Law looked up at him and furrowed.

"You want to take down Doflamingo right?" Kidd asked.

"Yes?" Law asked.

"Then," He turned his head away avoiding eye contact, "If we take him down, lets. Ugh forget it."

"Kidd. Tell me."

"I was just gonna say settle down and raise Bepo. I dont know." He shrugged.

Law blinked as Kidd pursed his lips. Then he laughed earning Kidd's attention with a hue of blush across his cheeks.

"What's so funny?!" He barked.

Law hummed, "I'd like that."

"Then it's a deal. Let's take down Doflamingo."

Bepo smiled as he watched Kidd and Law kiss through the crack in the door. He stepped away from the door and crawled into the large bed. He smiled looking up to the ceiling. He held his hands up to the ceiling.

"You hear that Corazon, he's gonna take care of me with Kidd."

Bepo smiled curling up under the blankets and falling asleep.

"This. Is stupid." Kidd said.

Bepo was currently residing in a backpack made for kids which sat upon Kidd's back. Why you ask? Bepo was too smart to get off a leash, and since he wasn't a dog anymore he would wander more.

"Shut up and wear it." Law said snapping the buckle to Kidd's chest.

Law patted Kidd's chest before giving a thumbs up to Bepo. The boy cheered and bounced on Kidd's back. Having him growl and hold his ground.

"Hey knock it off back there." Kidd barked.

Bepo snickered as Law packed a backpack. He pulled it onto his back as they headed out. There at the park resided figures in the dark. A good handfull, a few of Kidd and Law's. Friends. Killer and Penguin stepped out as they noticed Bepo on Kidd's back.

"Bepo, look how cute you are. How old are you?" Penguin asked.

The boy held out five fingers, "After we take down Doflamingo Him and Kidd are going to raise me."

Kidd saw Killer smirk under his mask. He knew it. He just felt that smug you've gone soft look. Kidd rolled his tongue in his cheek glaring at Killer.

"So, you. The man who says love is for wimps. And drags you down. Is finally settling down and raising a kid? Hmm?" Killer asked.

"How'd you like to own a little of my foot up your ass." Kidd growled.

Bepo started to play with Kidd's hair and chuckled.

"Your hair is like tulips. Unlike his hair. His is soft. And smells better."

"What is with that?" Kidd asked looking up to Bepo.

The boy blinked, "With what?"

"Why do you call Law Him? Or he?" Kidd asked.

"Because he doesn't know what to call me." Law said going through a check list.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, im not his father, nor his owner, so. Im just Him."

"No he can call you Law."

"Kidd, it's like me calling you baby."

Kidd pursed his lips, "Okay. That does sound weird."

The people gathered as Law glanced to them and checked off their names. These were the famous thieves, some were undercover, some giving reports, and some learning. They were here to help take down Doflamingo. They have waited years for this. And now the time as come to take the plan into action.

"We start, at dawn." Law said.

Was it good? I hoped you liked it.
Anyway back to the vote. So I have two for you to choose from. And I am not doing both.
Number One: Coworkers, (coralaw) where Law is hired by Doflamingo to work under his younger brother.
Number Two: One Piece Fairy tales, various ships in fairy tales. But it wouldn't be uploaded weekly. Since I only have so many.
So. Pick your poison, which shall it be? Leave a comment thank you.

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