Night Walker

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Kidd and Law sat on the couch, while Killer paced back in forth before them. As he was about to speak he clicked his tongue and started pacing again. Penguin leaned against the couch waiting for Killer's speech.

"You want to talk to them privately?" Penguin suggested.

"Please." Killer said.

Penguin and Kidd went into his room and shut the door.

"Can you tell me how drunk he is?" Penguin asked.

Kidd shrugged, "Pretty."

"Law, he. He's allot to handle. For instance. He sleep walks, he will wind up into your bed. So don't be surprised."

By this point Kidd tuned him out, not that he wanted to. He was just too drunk to understand. Once Penguin finished Kidd snapped back into it again.

"Do you understand?" He asked.

Kidd nodded, Penguin sighed in relief.

"One more thing, whatever you do you cannot wake him up."

He nodded once more as Penguin felt there talk got through to him. But it really didn't. Kidd literally fell back and fell asleep. He was startled awake in the middle of the night to a shifting in bed. He glanced up to Law straddling his hips staring down at him. Kidd stiffened as he clutched the bed. Law turned away climbing out of bed and went to the kitchen. Kidd followed and watched as Law scrambled to the kitchen going through drawer after drawer.

"Cora-san." Law muttered.

"Law are you okay?" Kidd asked.

His words had fallen upon deaf ears. Kidd turned on a light as Law continued to open drawers in the kitchen. Kidd went into the kitchen and reached out to him.

"Don't touch him!"

Kidd pulled back as Penguin staggered up from the living room. Law turned and headed out of the kitchen.

"Cora-san." Law muttered.

"Kidd, go back to bed. I can take care of Law." Penguin said.

"Kidd." Law muttered.

They turned to Law standing in the middle of the living room. He was staring at Kidd sending a chill up his spine. Killer sat up on the couch as Law approached Kidd he reached out inches away from Kidd's chest.

"Shambles." Law muttered.

Law slumped, Kidd caught him just before he hit the floor. Penguin approached him placing a hand on his forehead. He looked up to Kidd.

"Here. Come lay him on the floor, I'll sleep with him tonight." Penguin said.

"I'm his roommate, tell me what I have to do."  Kidd said.

Penguin smiled, "Just do what your doing now. Law did say your name, so he trusts you. Or. Maybe even more. Your going to have to let him sleep with you. I'll explain in the morning."

Kidd nodded as he took Law into his room, putting him on the other side of his bed before climbing in himself. He turned to Law sleeping soundly next to him. Kidd reached out to touch him but he pulled back and tossed over. He wasn't going to let love win. He'd fight it as much as he could. But. Kidd glanced over to Law before he turned away. He was losing badly.

Once he woke up the next morning he turned over to Law snuggled close. He had a small smile on his lips as he rested on Kidd's chest. He chuckled running a hand through Law's hair. Law smiled more as he nuzzled against his hand. Kidd stopped once he realized what he was doing. Having Law frown and wake up. He sat up and turned to Kidd.

"What are you doing in my room?" Law asked.

"Your in my room." Kidd smirked.

Law looked around before he pursed his lips and turned back to Kidd.

"Why did you drag me in here?" Law asked.

"Penguin told me you need a snuggle buddy." Kidd teased.

Law pinched his nipple twisting it having Kidd cry out in pain. The red head tapped out having Law pull back. Kidd held his nipple and glared up at him.

"That hurt, I was just trying to help. You scared the fuck out of me last night." Kidd said.

Law perked up to this and turned to him, "I didn't do anything last night, I went to bed and I woke up here."

"No you didn't, I woke up with you staring at me while you straddled my hips. I swore you were gonna kill me."

"Don't even bother Kidd, Law doesn't believe he sleep walks." Penguin said.

Law groaned crawling out of bed, "He's on it too?"

"Law, no one is in on anything. You really do sleepwalk." Penguin said.

He shook his head and walked out of the room, as Penguin sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. Kidd stretched and rolled his shoulders.

"I guess I owe you an explanation." Penguin said.

Penguin and Kidd sat down while Law went off to his room. Penguin explained that when his father was killed, Law has been acting strange. Penguin assumed it would be some kind of trauma but, this lasted longer then he expected. So he didn't know how this was caused. Kidd looked to Law's door, he crossed his arms glancing back to Penguin.

"Law doesn't believe he sleep walks?" Kidd asked.

"No, or has night terrors, which don't happen anymore. But. I still don't get it."

Kidd sighed, "Do you think Doflamingo has something to do with it?"

"Possibly, the idea has come across my mind before."

He turned to Law's room, where Law sat on the other side of the door clutching his arms. He bit his lip burying his head between his knees.

"I wish I could tell you." Law muttered.

Later that night, Killer and Penguin left leaving Kidd and Law alone. Law stayed in his room sitting by the door. His cheeks wet and sniffled softly into his dark room. Kidd pulled on his coat.

"Law I'm going out to grab some stuff at the store, you want anything?" Kidd called.

"I'm fine." Law said back.

Kidd adjusted his coat and sighed, he opened the door as the figure darted down the stairs. He watched as he jumped down the fleet of stairs. Zoro darted down the hall and stopped to the stairs. Kidd and Zoro watched as Sanji glance up at them holding bags of groceries. He looked around before looking back up at them.

"Did a guy dressed in darks run past you?" Zoro asked.

Kidd watched Sanji's hands on his bag's clutch slightly, "No."

Zoro growled turning back down the hall and headed up the stairs. Sanji rolled his eyes and headed up past Kidd, there eyes locked a moment before Sanji went to his apartment. Kidd leaned against the railing.

"So, why do you do it?" Kidd asked.

Sanji's and on his key clutched.

"I don't know what your talking about."

"If you guys are doing some kind foreplay, can you keep it in your own apartment."

Sanji tossed a can of mango's at his head before going into his apartment. Kidd chuckled going down to the gas station to get some snacks. Picking out some chips, and soda and a cheesy horror movie he and Law might like. He bought them and headed home. But when he got halfway home, he got an odd feeling he was being watched. Until there was a sharp pain in his shoulder and then everything went slow. There was a loud gunfire, he turned to his shoulder finding his coat starting to soak in his own blood. He noticed a tall man holding a gun, then the glint in his sunglasses.

"You must be Kidd." He chuckled.

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