Silver suitcase

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Kidd directed Law to the apartment and they parked across the street. Bepo hopped out of the car and stretched, Law grabbed his backpack and popped the trunk to a duffle bag. He grabbed it and they headed inside. Where they were met by Nami.

"Eustass." Nami grumbled.

Kidd groaned pulling out the envelope and handing it to her, "There, now don't bug me."

Nami snatched the envelope opening it and counting the money. Her eyes perked up to Bepo sitting next to Law. Her eyes glanced up to him.

"Killer just left, I'm assuming he moved out and he is your new roommate." Nami said.

"Whatever, can I go."

Nami glared up at him, "Was that a tone?"

Kidd swallowed, "N-No ma'am."

"Good, now. You can go."

Kidd rolled his eyes as they headed up to his apartment. Sanji was just heading into his apartment when he perked up to Kidd.

"Oh, you already found someone?" Sanji asked.

Kidd smirked, "Yeah, thanks for the help."

Sanji smiled, when he glanced to Law his smile faded.

"Black-ya, it's good to see you again." Law said.

"Yeah it's good to see you too Law." Sanji said, "By the way, it's Roronoa now."

Sanji headed inside Kidd cocked a confused brow and turned to Law staring at Sanji's door.

"Am I missing something?" Kidd asked.

"I'll explain later."

Kidd and Law headed inside, Bepo trotted in sniffing around sniffing the couch and then headed into Killers old room. Law took the liberty to look around the apartment, Kidd started to heat up the breakfast Sanji made for him.

"Did you want some?" Kidd asked.

"I'm fine." Law said.

He put his duffle bag on the counter and unzipped it. Kidd turned to Law pulling out a silver suitcase, he opened it and put a red empty file in it. Law snapped it shut locking the case.

"So, what's that for?" Kidd asked.

"I'm going to expose Doflamingo, he's done something unforgivable to me. And I will make sure he goes down for it." Law said.

"And how do you know I won't tell?"

Law turned to him, "Because I trust you."

Kidd blushed slightly before turning away, he pulled out his now lunch out of the microwave and sat at the bar. Law pulled off his shirt, as Kidd's eyes widened to Law's stained skin with hearts and a Jolly Roger on his back. His fork dropped on the table earning Law's attention. He smirked before folding his shirt and pulling out a black v neck and pulling it on. Then a long coat with Corazon on the back. He pulled out his white spotted billed hat and put it on.

"You going somewhere?" Kidd asked.

Law picked up the suitcase, "I am, but I will be back. So don't worry your pretty little tulip head."

Kidd growled as Law opened the window and sat in the window to leave when he turned back to Kidd.

"Can you pick locks?" Law asked.

"Best in the world." Kidd smirked.

Law smirked before climbing down the fire escape. Kidd got up and watched Law walk down the street. Bepo joined him standing on his hind legs and watching Law. Kidd patted his head as he closed the window. Once it got dark Kidd pulled on his coat and his boots. Bepo poked his head out of now Law's room. Before he trotted over to Kidd and sat before him.

"What?" Kidd grunted.

Bepo whined as Kidd groaned, poor guy was hungry. Kidd went over to Law's duffle bag and pulled out the dog food. And a bowl. Bepo kept barking and jumping around all excited. Kidd chuckled pouring the food into the dish and set it on the ground. Bepo chowed down as Kidd grabbed his keys and opened the door. A lean figure dressed in black walked by and down the stairs. Kidd cocked a brow following after him. They both parted ways Kidd stopped and turned to the figure waking down the street. He then brushed it off and headed on his way to his next target. He pulled out his phone and pulled on his hood. Kidd called Killer asking where to meet up.

"The Alley. Ten minutes." Killer said.

"Don't be late." Kidd grunted.

They both chuckled before hanging up, Kidd picked up the pace heading into the city. Killer was already there wearing his helmet and leaning against the brick wall of the alley.

"Your late." Killer said.

Kidd glared at him, "We need five hundred bucks."

"What for? I already left more then enough."

Kidd smirked, "For fun of course."

Killer chuckled as they headed there opposite ways. Kidd climbed up on a building overlooking the city. His Amber eyes flicked to each person walking past but his eyes narrowed to the figure he met earlier. He was bumping into, only men. He chuckled knowing what he was doing. Pit pocketing. Kidd eyes narrowed on a woman who looked like she bathed in her own money. Kidd smirked climbing down and followed after her. And once they got to a crosswalk. He snatched her bag and headed across the street.

"Someone help! He stole my bag!" She cried.

Kidd dodged the cars and bowed on the other side of the street.

"Thanks lady!" He called.

And so Kidd took off down the street. Cops started to follow him and chased him down. He looked over his shoulder finding a small group of cops chasing and spitting curse words at him. He turned only to butt heads with someone. He groaned as they both fell back. They looked up at each other and there eyes widened.



Kidd got up grabbing the bag and Law's hand.

"Come on we gotta go."

"There he is!" The cops cried.

"Shit there after me." They both said.

They looked at each other before bolting off. Killer witnessed the scene and smirked under his helmet.

"Would you look at that, Kidd's making friends." Killer smirked sitting up on a building.

Kidd pulled Law into an alley holding him close and putting a hand over his mouth. He watched as the cops dashed by and down the street. He panted and turned to Law. He stiffened before pushing Law off. Law chuckled adjusting his hat.

"Your quite, grabby." Law chuckled.

Kidd blushed, as he noticed the silver suitcase cuffed to his wrist.

"So. Your a thief too." Law said.

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