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Bepo whined his tail between his legs as the man tossed him into a white van. He howled the whole way to an abandoned hospital. The man stopped and opened the back, he reached in the back pulling out the cage and headed into the building. A woman stood with her green wavy hair up in a ponytail.

"Welcome back Caesar." She greeted.

He nodded back as they headed into the building inside was a spotless clean room. There was tubes of different colors all over. Caesar put the cage up on to the metal table. Bepo was cowering in the back, he whined and was shaking. Caesar laughed as Monet brought him a large syringe. He held it behind his back as he opened the cage.  Bepo didn't budge from the back of the cage.

"Come on boy, I'll let you go back to your master if you come here." Caesar said.

Bepo still didn't move, Caesar was growing impatient. He reached in grabbing his collar and yanked him out of the cage. He scrambled to get away but it was too late. Caesar stuck him with the needle. He howled which grew into a loud crying. Caesar grinned pulling the needle out.

Law awoke the next morning to Kidd's loud snoring. He grumbled siting up on his elbows and stared at him. His lips pressed in a line as his inked fingers ran down Kidd's nose. Which stopped his snoring and wrinkled his nose. Law gave a small smile trying again, he pulled his hand away before Kidd could bat away his hand. Law snickered as Kidd tossed over cracking open his eye to the ravenette.

"Hello?" Sanji called.

They perked up as Law and Kidd got up to Sanji looking around the apartment. He turned to them holding a bag.

"I was just checking to see if you guys were okay, your door was open all night." Sanji said.

"We're okay, Kidd got shot and I just stitched him up." Law said.

He furrowed when he noticed Bepo wasn't in the house. He started to search his room then went into the kitchen finding all that was left was his bowl. Law noticed the bloody paw prints leaving the apartment.

"Shit." Law grumbled.

He pulled on his coat following them outside. Law followed them to behind the apartment building. Where they just. Stopped. He sighed looking around.

"Bepo!" Law called.

Law called out a few more times but gave up after there was no hide nor hair of the fluffy white dog. He sighed standing before the footprints of dried blood. His eyes glancing over the road, he wasn't hit. There wasn't any blood or fur on the street. Bepo knew he couldn't go far, he wouldn't come back home. Law trained him that way. Along with Corazon. Bepo wasn't just his pet, he was Corazon and Law's best friend. Corazon found him for his thirteenth birthday. Where they raised him until that winter. When. Law clutched his fists tears pricking the corners of his eyes. Kidd stepped up next to him, his Amber eyes glanced over to Law's saddened grey. He swallowed thickly pulling down his sleeve and wiping away his tears. Kidd pulled him into his chest and placed his head on his shoulder.

"We'll find him." Kidd said, "We'll make some missing posters."

Law didn't hesitate embracing Kidd, they headed back to the apartment making a missing dog poster. Law and Kidd then headed down to the main floor sticking up the posters.

"Hey wait!" Nami called.

They turned to Nami motioning them over, they walked up to office and she let them inside. Where she played the video of last night. They watched Bepo leave the apartment and go outside then get pulled into the van. Law clenched his teeth, he thanked Nami as they headed back up to the apartment. Law started to pull on his coat and hat before he opened the window.

"Where are you going?" Kidd asked.

"I'm going to get Bepo back." Law growled.

"I can't let you go alone. It's probably a trick." Kidd said.

"I don't care."

Kidd struggled to put on his coat before Law and him left. They started to head into the abandoned part of town.

"Do you know where we are going?" Kidd asked.

"Exactly." Law snapped.

They stood before the abandoned hospital, Law glanced up to the building and furrowed.

"This is the hospital I worked at, I saved so many lives. I had taken just as many. Until I was fired because they knew I was apart of that family. I came home that day, and everyone was killed. Then, he. He started experiments here. So. Mind your step." Law said.

Kidd followed in as he widened to the skeletons still lied on the floor. Law stepped over them and down the hall, there was screams and crying echoing in the halls. Kidd followed after Law, as he noticed all the experiments locked in the rooms. Some cried, some screamed, and some banged on the broken glass. Law took no notice to them.

"Bepo!" Law called.

"He can't be here. He's just a dog." Kidd said.

He stopped and turned to Kidd who cocked an inivisble brow.

"He's not JUST a dog."  Law said.

That raised some brows as Law headed upstairs as Kidd followed behind. When he stopped at the second story. Kidd was about to say something when Law put a finger on his lips. He was listening, for something. He then perked up before bolting to the door, he opened it having Kidd stagger behind. Kidd watched as Law skid to a stop before a door. He picked up the chain to the door. Kidd walked up to him and pulled out his lock picks. He started to pick the locks, but he was having a hard time with the screaming and crying. Once the lock fell off, Law took no time to open the door. Kidd perked up and his eyes widened to a boy on the floor tied up with white hair and stunning Amber eyes.

"Bepo?" Kidd muttered.

Law cut off the ropes and pulled off his gag, the boy embraced Law as he embraced the boy back. Bepo started to cry and apologize.

"It's alright, you need to be quite now or they will hear you okay?" Law asked.

Bepo nodded as Law held him close, he looked up to Kidd who was shocked.

"Why is he a boy?" Kidd asked.

"Kidd does it look like we can talk about this." Law asked.

He sighed as he and Law snuck out of the hospital. But just as they got to the door there was a loud beeping. The doors and the Windows were staring to shut. Kidd got between the door before it shut.

"I can't hold this forever." Kidd said.

Law and Bepo got out as Kidd was close to slip out. But his arm got caught in the door breaking it in several places. He cried out pulling it out and glancing to his arm. Bent in all the wrong ways, broken bones stuck out of his skin, and blood pooled out of the wounds in his skin. Law stood before him with Bepo on his back.

"Let's hurry and get home. I could probably still save this." Law said.

They headed back to the apartment, where Kidd left more of his blood in the halls of the apartments. Sanji was just leaving his apartment when he saw the trio.

"Oh my god, what happened?" Sanji asked.

Law approached him, "I need your help, I know you and I have bad history. But I need help saving Kidd's arm."

Sanji turned to Kidd wincing holding his arm before he turned back to Law.

"Alright, if it helps." He said.

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