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A/N: This is the end. So I uh. Came up with a Coralaw story last minute. So there are now two to choose from. Coworkers where Law is hired by Doflamingo. And Sin and Blood. Where Law meets Corazon but, there's something off about him. Let me know what you want to see and I will post the forest chapter tonight. Also thank you all for supporting this story and reading it. It means allot to me.

Kidd and Killer walked up the steps to the Donquixote mansion. They each held a large brief case dressed in suits and wearing sunglasses. The two men standing by the doors glanced to each other before to Kidd and Killer. They stopped before the two men holding the suitcases tightly.

"We are here to transport, SMILE." Kidd said.

The two men nodded before opening the doors to the mansion. Once the doors shut Kidd and Killer set down the suitcases they quickly unzipped them as Sanji crawled out of one. And Penguin stepped out the other. Sanji boosted Penguin up onto the ledge of the second floor before Killer and Kidd helped Sanji up. Penguin and Sanji then disappeared onto the second floor. Kidd and Killer quickly zipped up the bags as Doflamingo and Trebol walked down the stairs.

"You must be here to transport the SMILE's." Doflamingo grinned.

"Kaido wont wait all day." Killer said.

Upstairs, Sanji and Penguin snuck around peaking into every room before finding a room. They snuck down the flight of stairs to an underground control room.

"We found it, now what?" Sanji muttered.

He pressed his finger to his ear.

Law sat in a truck looking over the map of the mansion. Trying to remember all that was there. Zoro, and Smoker sat with him while Bepo sat on his lap.

"Under the stairs there should be a control panel. When I tell you to. Flip the last three switches and the blue button in the middle." Law said.

Sanji nodded jumping down and sneaking past the guards and into the small room under the stairs. Sanji locked the door and waited inside.

"Penguin I need you to pull out your phone and start recording what you see." Law said.


Law looked out the window watching the colors of the sky turn lighter before the sun started to raise over the horizen. He waited until the sun was lifted into the sky signaling it was morning. Many of the people of town were awake and walking around.

"Now?" Zoro asked.

"Not yet." Law said.

Then. That's when the clock chimed. Law turned back to the van and flicked on the monitors. Where Zoro and Smoker started typing away.

"Sanji now." Law said.

Sanji flicked the last three switches and then the blue button. Where the lights in the mansion went out. Sanji perked up to Law's fact sitting on the monitors.

"Attention the people of Dressrosa." Law said.

Doflamingo furrowed turning to his TV. Kidd and Killer glanced to each other holding the brief cases full of SMILE. 

"Your king isn't what he seems." Law held up Corazon's file, "He's a murder, a killer, and a greedy king. Who had killed his own brother for betrayal, then committed crimes then started making an illegal drug called SMILE. Which gives you an obscene amount of strength, but once it runs out drains your entire body and can kill you."

Zoro and Smoker cut to Penguin's phone recording the workers looking at the TV. They gasped as they turned to the general direction of where Penguin was.

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