Partners in Crime

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Law smirked as they rested back in the alley. Kidd explained his story of how he and Killer would steal to just get by to pay rent or eat.

"Killer." Kidd groaned face palming.

Law pursed his lips, that name. It sounded familiar. They turned to Killer jumping down from the building.

"Hey Killer." Kidd said.

Law's eyes widened clutching the suitcase, "You! Your the one who took this from me the first time! I'm not giving it-"

"Relax, I'm not hired to steal it again." Killer said.

Law held it close, glaring up at him.

"I'm not going to hurt you, your Penguins best friend." Killer said.

Law's grip on the case loosened, "Penguin. Oh, I get it now."

"Wait! You two know each other?" Kidd asked.

They nodded.

"Killer is the one who took my case the first time. And, I should of connected the dots earlier. A friend of mine, Penguin, has been talking about his boyfriend Killer moving in. I didn't expect it to be you." Law said turning to him.

"Now I don't have to worry about Kidd getting by. Without my help. But I see you two can handle yourselves."

"Hey! I can take care of my-"

"Kidd, adults are talking."

Kidd grumbled crossing his arms. Killer and Law started to get along well, while Kidd went through the purse. Pulling out cash and smirked to a large diamond ring.

"Jackpot." Kidd smirked.

Law and Killer turned to him, Law scooted over to him and plucked the ring from his fingers. His eyes widened looking at the light pink ring.

"Do you know who you just robbed?!" Law gasped.

Kidd shrugged.

"Pretty much Doflamingo himself!"

Kidd furrowed, snatching the ring back.

"How! It's just a ring."

"No it's not. It's the same ring that has been passed down from each of his wives. You have to get rid of it!"

"How do you know that?"

Law avoided eye contact, "Just get rid of it. I'll meet you at home."

He got up leaving the alley, Kidd sighed resting back against the wall. Killer smirked through his helmet.

"You like him."

Kidd glared at him, "Love is stupid, I will not partake in it."

Killer knelt down to him, "Look Kidd, you can deny it all you want. But. I will always know the truth."

He pushed Killer away before getting up. Kidd left going to meet Heat. But his mind was clouded over what Killer said. He lit himself a cigarette and growled at the thought of being in love. Love was for the weak, and he wasn't weak. He huffed heading in to see Heat. He perked up and smiled to Kidd.

"Kidd, come in."

He tossed the bag into the counter as Heat inspected it. He reached in and pulled out the ring. Heat put the ring to the light before setting it on the counter.

"Thirteen thousand." Heat said.

Kidd lit up, "Done deal."

Heat handed him the money in an envelope, Kidd grinned putting it in his pocket.

"You know, there's another guy coming in here recently, trading in watches, wallets, and wedding rings. It's, strange."

"Don't worry about it Heat,  probably just a new worker for you." Kidd said.

"That's not the strange thing, he's only selling me male belongings."

Kidd perked up to that, "Male belongings?"

Heat nodded, "I mean I'm not supposed to say or do anything but take them with no question. But. I find this odd."

"Alright, I'll look into it thanks Heat."

Kidd left without another word, he headed down the street as it started to rain.

"Damn it again?" Kidd grumbled.

He picked up the pace getting back home, where Law was sitting on the table trying to unlock the cuffs from his wrist. He perked up to Kidd then turned back to the cuffs. Bepo sat his head on his knee watching him.

"Here let me help." Kidd sighed.

Law perked up to Kidd taking off his coat and kicking off his shoes before approaching him. He took place between Law's knees and pulled out his lock picks from his pocket. Kidd pulled out the smallest picks before locking them into the cuffs. With a bit of twisting around, the cuff broke free and Law smirked.

"Well, damn. You have to teach me how to do that sometime." Law smirked.

Kidd smirked back, "Sure, but I'll only teach you once."

Law handed him the case, "Then show me."

Kidd's smirk widened as he set the case between Law's thighs and pulled out a few picks. Law watched as Kidd latched them into place and pulled a third out, he placed it between them and snap. The case opened. Law looked up to him with utter disbelief and amazement. Kidd's eyes widened at this look, never in his years has he had someone look at him look at him like this.

"Thank you." Law muttered.

Kidd blushed and stepped back as Law turned to the case and opened it. He grinned pulling out the classified file. Law looked up to Kidd and gave a genuine smile.

"This really means allot to me. I hope you know that." Law said.

"What is that exactly?"

Law's smile turned to a smirk as he held out the file to Kidd.

"Read it, once you do Doflamingo will be after you next." Law said.

Kidd snatched the folder and opened it, inside were all the crimes Doflamingo had committed. And, a murder case. Kidd looked up to Law.

"Why are you doing this?" Kidd asked.

"That man that was murdered, was my father Donquixote Rosinante or as I called him Corazon, he took me in when no one else did. He raised me until I was thirteen, then in cold blood. Doflamingo murdered him, and pointed fingers at an assassin. But I knew it was him. And so, I was raised under Doflamingo until I turned sixteen and ran away."

Kidd dropped the folder, "Dofamingo's favorite son."

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