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Kidd clutched his shoulder as the man lowered his gun, he gave a low chuckle. He put his gun back on his belt. Kidd staggered back, gritting his teeth as the pain his shoulder grew hot and throbbing. The man chuckled some more adjusting his feather coat.

"Just like all of the others who took in my son, they. All. Fell."

Kidd chuckled glancing up to him, "Well, I'm not like the others. You must be Doflaimigo, you fucked up Law."

"And what are you going to do about it?"

"In this current state, nothing. But. Once I'm healed, we will over turn your city. Doflamingo."

He grinded his teeth flicking his fingers over his gun.


They turned to a figure in the distance behind him, Doflamingo's frown soon turned into a grin and he waddled over to the other man. Kidd watched as Doflamingo slid on the pink ring onto the other man before they walked off. Kidd grunted as he went back home, blood dripped down onto the carpet and up the stairs. Kidd grunted opening the door, Law perked up from the couch as Kidd slumped to the floor. Law scrambled up and his eyes widened to the small pool of blood onto the tile floor in front of the door.

"Damn it!" Law grunted.

He wrapped an arm around his shoulder and dragged him over to the table. He sweeped everything off and onto the floor before pulling Kidd up and onto the table. Law scrambled to the kitchen getting a knife, he turned back to Kidd clutching his shoulder again.

"Stop touching it! Your going to make I worse!" Law barked.

He went up to Kidd cutting off his shirt and rolled off his coat and shirt off his shoulder. Kidd watched as Law muttered to himself as his dark eyes flicked over the wound. Then Law bolted to his room, Kidd sat up as Law came out with a black bag. He jumped over the couch setting the bag down before going to the closest and pulling out towels. Law climbed up on the table and straddled Kidd's hips. His dark eyes glanced to Kidd's before his tattooed hand pushed him down onto the table. Law opened the bag pulling on latex gloves.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Kidd cried.

"Do you want me to save you or not?" Law asked.

"What are you going to do?"

"Just trust me, like I trust you."

Kidd sighed as Law rummaged in his bag and pulled out a needle. He tore it open before pulling out a bottle of anetheic and piercing the silver foil. Law drew back the needle as it filled with the clear Iiquid.

"Do I have to have to have a shot?" Kidd asked.

Law smirked, "Awe, is someone scared of a little shot?"

Kidd growled as Law chuckled, he leaned over him and kissed him. Pressing the needle into Kidd's neck. Kidd didn't hesitate to kiss back, until he started to slow, and then stop completely. Law pulled back and pulled the needle out. Kidd was knocked out. Law set down the needle as he rummaged in his bag for tweezers and some needle and thread. He took a breath wiping away the blood and started to dig into Kidd's shoulder. Law growled struggling to get the bullet out. Once he did, he set it away before starting to stitch up Kidd. Law pierced his skin with the needle and pulled the string through. Before repeating four more times. He smirked to his work, then applied a bandage to the stitches. Law climbed off the table removing his gloves and tossing away his gloves and the needle. He closed his bag and looked to the bullet.

"Doflamingo." Law muttered.

He turned to Kidd and helped him into his bed, Law covered him up and sat next to him. He sighed taking Kidd's hand.

"I've been with a few other roommates, they weren't as strong as you. Or as reckless. But. You are different. The reason why I'm telling you this, so that I can get it off my chest. I wish I could tell you that why I sleep walk or had night terrors, was because Doflamingo shot my father right in front of me. I never had someone like you. So. Hopefully before you awake tomorrow morning I will be gone, so you don't have to go through this again." Law said.

Law pressed his hand to his forehead, tears running down his cheeks.

"In all my years, I haven't had this much fun with anyone else." Kidd groaned.

Law snapped his head up to Kidd who cupped his cheek.

"Kidd, I. Sorry."

He stood starting to leave when Kidd grabbed his wrist, he hissed holding his shoulder. Law turned to him snapping his hand away.

"You'll pull your stitches out! Dont move around so much!" Law barked.

Kidd chuckled sitting back on his pillow, "I always thought love was stupid, and I'd made you weak. But, after these few days. It helped me realize, it makes you stronger."

"Now your just being cheesy." Law smirked.

Kidd growled having Law chuckle, he stood turning out the light.

"I better let you rest." Law said.

"You'll just end up in my bed anyway, so stay here." Kidd said.

Law sighed, if he didn't Kidd would drag him in anyway. Then pull out his stitches then Law would have to restitch him.

"Fine, only so you don't have to get up for anything in the middle of the night." Law said.

Kidd chuckled as Law tossed away his shirt and crawled into bed. They lied in uncomfortable silence until Kidd made his loosing shot against love.

"Will you be my partner in crime?" Kidd asked.

Law snapped open his eyes and rolled onto his back to look at Kidd. His Amber eyes already staring into Law's dark grey. Law was caught off guard seeing Kidd to soft, having his guard down, not rude, spitting, or glaring at anything. Law saw, the soft side of Kidd no one knew existed. Law's lips spoke before his mind could. Kidd broke out in a blush as Law blushed back and tossed over on his side.

"Of course, I love you." Law whispered.

Bepo noticed the door was open and poked his head out, he trotted out of the apartment smelling something like meat. He sniffed the floor following the scent and followed it to the bottom of the stairs. Bepo pushed the door open before heading outside. There on the sidewalk was a turkey leg. He panted rushing up to it, only to watch it move. Bepo attacked again until it moved once more, he started to get tired of not catching it. He then followed it to behind the apartments where it stopped and he was able to chow down. He perked up when he heard a loud metal door shut. A man with long purple hair laughed before picking up the cage.

"Silly puppy, this will be the last time you see your master, looking like that." He chuckled.

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