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Kidd snapped over to Killer, he stood over the stove stirring around the meal he prepared for them. 

"You, what?" Kidd asked.

"I'm moving out." Killer sighed.

Kidd stood confused, he set down the money and approached him.

"Killer, did I do something. Look you know I-"

"Kidd, I found someone."

That lit a fire in his stomach. Killer set the pan on the cool burner and grabbed some bowls putting the stew in them.

"Your leaving your best friend for some big pair of goo goo eyes?!" Kidd barked.

Killer sighed, setting there food on the table. Kidd spit and snapped at Killer about the whole falling in love bullshit.

"You can't be serious, your leaving me for some woman who will use you. She's going to make you get a job and then settle down. And then! Your not going to see me anymore. Who took you off the streets and made a pact that no one would come between us!"

Killer slammed his hands on the counter, startling Kidd.

"Shut up! I'm older then you, it's my life I can do whatever the hell I want with it. Your wrong Kidd, I haven't fallen for some chick. His name is Penguin and is a nurse. I'm tired of you planning out my life Kidd. After tonight I'm gone. We are still best friends, and I'll visit often. Now shut up and eat your dinner."

Kidd grunted sitting down and dinning, Kidd and Killer didn't say a word after that. Just stared down at there food in the uncomfortable silence. Kidd wasn't the type of man to apologize. Even to his best friend. And so began the late night of them both finishing dinner and heading to there rooms. Kidd lied on his back looking up at the ceiling. His fingers clutching his blanket angrily glaring up at the ceiling.

"Stupid Killer, Stupid love."

There was a soft tapping on the other side of Kidd's wall. He looked over to it and tapped back.

"Hey." Kidd grunted.

"You want to talk about it?"

On the other side of Kidd's wall resided a couple Kidd hated and liked. They were noisy and out with there lewd doings during the night. Also didn't help the walls were paper thin. Until Kidd confronted them and Sanji apologized with a meal.

"Killers leaving me because he has a boyfriend." Kidd sighed.

"I know, I heard. Zoro and I heard the whole thing." Sanji said.

Kidd only expressed his feelings behind closed doors, late at night when he doesn't know what he's talking about, and when Sanji is sitting on the other side of the wall. In there bed room. To Kidd, Sanji had a way to get things out of him like he couldn't with anyone before. Or maybe because he just wants his cooking again.

"I mean you can get a roommate. That's what I did." Sanji said.

"Roommate?" Kidd asked.

"Just come over tomorrow, I'll explain everything. Just get some rest and keep your mind off Killer."


Kidd listened as Sanji got up and left. He sighed tossing over on his side and finally fell asleep. Once the sun had awoken Kidd from his slumber he grunted sitting up and getting ready for the day, spiking out his hair before tying his bandana around his head and dressing himself in darks. There was a knock on the door earning his attention. Kid grumbled getting up and going to the door. He opened the door to find Sanji standing there with a Tupperware.

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