Chapter 12

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'Hey Josh, I was just wondering if you would let Niall and I use your gym tomorrow? you can come to I guess ;) maybe we can show him our mad skills, and even teach him how to partner stunt me (after some three person stunts of course ;) ) anyway, get back to me. -Infinity x'

I send the text and wait for his reply. It is eight pm right now and I'm exhausted, so I figured that before I fall asleep, I should text Josh.

'yeah, that sounds great. meet me there at 8? ;)'

'No problems. See ya then.'

I decide to go and tell Niall that he will have to get up early in the morning so that we can meet Josh at the gym. 

"Yo Niall!" I say as I swing his door open, finding him on his phone.

"Yo Infinity! What's up?" He questions, laughing at my antics.

"Well we are meeting Josh at the gym tomorrow at eight, so I figured I'd tell you so that you could get as much sleep as you can...You got a tough day ahead of you."

"That sounds great! I'm excited."

I start to laugh. "Believe me Niall, you have no idea what you are getting yourself into."

"Why? Aren't I just watching you and Josh?" he asks completely oblivious to my actual intentions for tomorrow.

"Aww hahaha. You're so cute. You actually believe I would let you get away with doing nothing?" I say chuckling at the boy in front of me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He says, looking at me quizzically.

"Never you mind Niall. You'll find out tomorrow," I reply winking at him, " Oh and before I forget-" I start as I begin to walk away, "Wear comfy gym clothes and sneakers. Night Niall."

"Night Duck."

I walk out of Niall's room with a smile on my face. Tomorrow should be interesting.


"Ok-" Josh starts, "Let's start of easy. First we're just going to do a three person prep stunt."

Josh and I have spent the last hour and a half teaching Niall proper technique on how to stunt me without dropping me.

"I will never forgive you for this," Niall states as I stick my right foot in his hands.

"Shh no talking during a stunt," I smirk as he just rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

"Ok ready. And five, six, seven, eight, one, two, three, four, fi- woah, woah, woah, woah," Josh exclaims, "Nice catch Niall, I didn't have to do anything."

"Well, you know, there was no way I was letting such a pretty girl touch the ground," Niall states, winking at me.

"It also helps that he has good reflexes," I state as I pat him on the chest, "You can put me down now by the way."

Niall sets me on the ground and I chuckle at the incident that just occurred. Niall and Josh dropped me if you haven't noticed, and Josh was a little confused when Niall caught me and not him. Josh is used to saving me from breaking my little nose, not like the partner that I had before Josh who dropped me and just stood there standing over me while blood gushed from my nose.

"Ok lets try that again shall we. And five, six, seven, eight, one, two, three, four, five, hit seven, eight," Josh counts us in, "Woo great job guys, nice flying Finity, great basing Niall, you pick up quickly." Now it is very rare for Josh to give out compliments, so if you ever get one from him, be very thankful.

"Thanks mate."

"Ok boys, lets move on."


"How the heck did you find a way to hit me in the head...with your knee... AGAIN?" Niall complains, placing the ice pack back above his left eyebrow.

"I told you not to lean so far forward, so don't say I didn't warn you," I smirk at him, place my legs on his lap and cross my arms over my chest.

"Yeah, yeah, smarty pants," he mutters underneath his breath.

"Oh real mature Niall," I laugh.

"Hey Infinity, can I please talk to you for a second?" Zayn asks, walking into the room, "What happened to you?"

"Oh you know, the usual. Infinity kneed me in the head."

"Hey, I warned you,"

"Yeah, yeah, go talk to Zayn."

I jump to my feet and accidently kick Niall in the right shin. Niall just looks at me as he instinctively brings his leg up to him and laces his hands on the small bruise that was beginning to form.

"Hey look, I balanced you out," I state as I look at the small cut  above his left eyebrow and the bruise on his right shin. Niall just gives me the look that tells me he wants revenge...once he can stand up. "yeah, um, I think I'm gonna go and ahh...yeah," I finish as I run out of the kitchen.

I walk up the stairs and into Zayn's bedroom. 

"So... what's up Zayn?" I ask.

"Well, like I told you the other day, I'm proposing to Perrie, and I decided that I would do it tomorrow night and I really, really need your help." Zayn looks incredibly nervous as he asks me to help him.

"Are you kidding me? I would love to help! I love you and Perrie." I say.

"Great. Well I haven't told the boys yet and I decided to tell you because you were always close with Perrie. So what I need you to do is to first take Perrie out shopping, get her an outfit for tomorrow night, take Eleanor too and get outfits for yourselves to, just do whatever, I'll give you my card to charge it to. The other thing I need you to do for me is to gather all the boys and Eleanor and Perrie and tell them that you want to go out to dinner to celebrate the fact that you are staying with us for a year. Whatever you do, don't tell them that I'm proposing, PLEASE! I'm begging you."

"Yeah I can do that for you. When and where?" I conclude smiling at him.



Hey everyone!! Sorry that this is late but I figured that I would update now...on the last day of 2013 (Where I am at least :) ) I will continue to write tonight as I don't think I'll be going to sleep any time soon and I'm excited to write the next chapter. So the next update should be up later today or if not, at the latest tomorrow.

Oh and please! I would really appreciate it if I got some more reads and votes and comments :) Please Guys? Pretty please with a cherry on top? :D


-Rocky xx

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