Chapter 5

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I wake up at 12 the next morning/afternoon and just lay there for an hour. I eventually decide to get up and have breakfast/lunch. I walk downstairs and find Mum, Lou and Eleanor sitting on the couch eating chicken and salad wraps.

"Good morning sleepyhead!" Lou says cheerily, "your lunch is in the fridge."

"Thank you," I reply.

I walk over to the fridge and swing the door open. I see a wrap wrapped in cling wrap on a plate in the fridge. This wrap has my name written all over it...literally! It has my name written on it in marker over and over again...good 'ole Lou..he wrote 'Louis was here' in big letters smack bang in the middle...cause that's so subtle. I grab my wrap and sit down on the couch to eat it. After I'm done I get up to go to my room when Eleanor stops me.

"Hey Infinity, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall with me today?"

"Yeah that sounds great El, how about we leave in like forty five minutes so I can get ready?"

"Yeah sounds great."

I run up the stairs and jump in the shower. I hop out after I wash my hair and body. I blow dry my hair dry and put it into a side plait. I quickly throw on a pair of black skinny jeans, a white off the shoulder shirt and a pair of tan boots. I walk down the stairs and I see that El is waiting for me at the door.

"Ready to go?" She asks me as I get closer.

"Yep, bye Lou, bye Mum," I yell over my shoulder as we exit the house.



Ok I am so sorry!! Like sorry a million times over!! I was at arts camp then when I got back I got all my assignments and then I damaged my shoulder last week so I've been a little pre-occupied and I am so so sorry!! And I am really sorry that this is really short again but I will be posting again in a couple hours so YAY! :) oh and I just got to 85 reads and I'm so happy!! I didn't even expect 5 people to read this so thank you to everyone that's reading!!

Ok sorry about that, I promise I'll update soon!

-Rocky xx

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