Chapter 1

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"5678...... Ready Infinity? And GO!" yelled my coach over the blasting music that surrounded our gym.

I started running, and then started my tumbling pass.

Round off, Arabian, Round off, Backhand Spring, Full.

"Well done Infinity!" My coach said as she smiled at me.

"Thanks Coach," I smiled back at her.

-----------------------------------------4 hours later-----------------------------------------------

*Texting Mum*

Me- Hey Mum, we're finished now :)

Mum- Cool, I'll be there in 5! Oh and I have an early birthday present for you ;)

'Oohh I wonder what it is' I thought to myself as I walked out to the car park.

"See ya tomorrow Infinty," yelled my cheer sister, Mackenzie.

"See ya giirrll," I winked at her and she just laughed.

I saw the black mazda 3 car and started running over to it, which is very hard when you have a big cheer bag on your shoulder. I reached the car and jumped in, greeting my mother as I did so.

"Hey hon. how was practice?" asked my mum, even though she already knew the answer.

"Do you even have to ask?" I said in a matter of fact tone, "It was amazing, aaanndd...guess what!?" I said as I bounced up and down in my seat.

"What?" asked my mother bouncing up and down in her seat too.

"I threw my tumbling pass perfectly!" I stated as I grinned at her.

"Well done honey! You've been trying to perfect it for so long, and all that you had to do was stick it, and that's exactly what you've done! All those days practicing have paid off!" She said grinning back at me and giving me a giant hug, "Ok, now to give you your early birthday present," she finished as she winked at me.

She started the car and we drove away from my cheer gym. We made small talk about my up coming comp. It was in three weeks, the day after my birthday. Twenty minutes later my mum was blindfolding me and walking me into an air-conditioned room. You would think I'd be able to hear what was going on around me but she had stuck ear plugs in my ears and tied my hands together with my stretching rope that I had in my cheer bag so that I couldn't take them out. Mum eventually sat me down; she untied my hands, took out my earplugs but kept my blindfold on.

"Ready hon?" she asked,

"One... Two...Three," on three she undid my blindfold and my jaw dropped immediately.

"OH MY GOSH! THANK YOU! I LOVE YOU!" I squealed as I turned around and gave her a massive hug. She'd gotten me a black Mazda three but had gotten them to write on it in bold blue letters 'LONDON SHARKS CHEERLEADER!!'

"Haha! You're very welcome, I though it'd be a nice gift for your eighteenth birthday, and you can match Mackenzie's car now to"

As you can tell Mackenzie is turning eighteen soon to, a week after me actually, and her mum had gotten her a blue Mazda 3 with 'LONDON SHARKS CHEERLEADER!!' Written on it in black letters. The only thing though is that we can't drive without a licensed driver in the car yet because we only have our P plates but on our eighteenth birthdays we get to have our open license (A/N I know that you probably can't get your open license that young because you need to have your P plates for a while, but this is a fan FICTION and it needs to be like this for the story :) ok sorry about that..keep reading ;D )

"I think I might faint!" I laughed.

"Well we don't want that happening now do we?" Asked my mum while laughing, "we can call your brother and his girlfriend to come and pick up my car if you want, and we can drive yours home" my mum said with a grin on her face.

"Ok one, that sounds amazing! And two...LOUIS' BACK HOME?" I practically screamed the last part, I only get to see my big brother about twice a year because he's always super busy because of his career.

"That's right Infinity Louise Tomlinson You're big brother is back in town and we have some big news for you!" She finishes, and with that she walks away to call my beloved brother.


I was now just sitting inside the cold sales room. I was lucky that I had my cheer jacket and tracksuit pants in my bag because I didn't want to be standing in my training crop top and shorts while in this freezing room. I was also currently waiting for my mum to finish signing her lot of the papers. After she had finished we walked out to my car and got in.

"Hold on, where's Louis and Eleanor?" I asked worriedly.

"They're on their way don't worry. I just thought that it might be better if we saw them at home instead of a crowded car sales place."

"Oh ok," I answered back and stuck the keys in the ignition.


Mum and I were currently driving down our street towards our house. When it came into view I almost started bouncing in my seat. I am so excited to see my big brother!

I pulled into the driveway and jumped out of the car. I ran inside and went straight up to my room to have a shower and get changed before he came home. I washed my body and what no and jumped out of the shower. I ran into my wardrobe and chose an outfit. I chose to wear a pair of black high waisted shorts and an American flag flag shirt that I slightly tucked into my shorts. I paired my outfit with a pair of blue and black sparkly vans. I ran down stairs and jumped over the back of the couch and landed sitting down.

I felt a slow presence behind me and I knew exactly who it was. I moved slightly on the couch so that my feet were on the couch underneath me. And then, in one swift movement I pushed off and landed so that I was standing on the back of he couch. The presence was right behind me now, but it had known what was coming next and ducked down. In another swift movement I pushed off the back of the couch and tucked my legs to my chest and did a back tuck over the person that was behind the couch. As soon as I had landed I jumped onto the persons back and gave them a big kiss on the cheek.

"I missed you big brother!" I squealed in his ear.

"I missed you too lil' sis!" He squealed back into my ear.

"El!" I squealed again and ran over to give her a hug, "I missed you!"

She laughed, "I missed you to Infinity."

"Alright kids, lets go out to dinner" said my mum, grabbing her keys and leading us out of the house, "I have big news for you Infinity."



Ok so I wasn't going to update until I had at least one read on this, and I really didn't expect anybody to read this, so for the people that are now reading this, thank you so much :D ok I think that's all I have to say. I'll update the next chapter when I have either at least 2 more reads or 2 votes :) thank you!!

-Rocky xx

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