Short Story Time pt2

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It's been about two weeks and i haven't seen any sign of the mystery girl that bumped into me. I sat in the cafe where we first exchanged looks. In the same seat that she sat in. I sipped my tea slowly, sitting it down I close my eyes to remember her features. Short red hair, (ref. 80's yoai anime style) piercing red eyes, she was tall maybe 5,6 or 5,7 she was slender but fit, she wore a butlers outfit...could she be someone's servant, or maybe she just casually dressed like that'd be to weird. I opened my eyes to be greeted by her...the mystery girl! I stared at her through wide eyes as she looked back in a nonchalant expression...I tried opening my mouth but words wouldn't come out. How long had she been standing there? She walked off and sat at the table a seat down. I looked back at her she was already reading her book. I turned around quickly before she could see me. I balled my fist up tightly against my knees. Why was I so nervous? I took a deep breath and stood up, i placed one foot in front of the other until I was standing in front of her...she was wearing glasses,they laid smoothly across the bridge of her nose, she looked completely engulfed in her book. I cleared my throat hoping to gain her attention but that didn't work either. Was she ignoring me? "H-hey, you're the..woman from a few we-weeks ago" I was nervous, I was stuttering. Her eyes trailed from her book to me in one swift movement. "Yes, young mistress" oh god! Her voice was the sound of seduction at it purest. If I could have melted I would have.. "y-you don't have to call me that!" I said embarrassed. She smiled...god she had a smile that could bring heaven to its knees. "I don't know your name, it's only natural to call you young mistress." Her eyes trailed back to her book. " was there anything I can help you with" I suddenly forgot every reason for why I walked over here. And I just stood there like an idiot...A possible love god is asking me if I NEED something. And I'm just standing here. How much more could you ask for.."uhh, I uhh, you want to walk with me in the park?" I said thinking of the first thing that popped Into my head. She was silent for a moment, maybe she was considering it...but then she stood. "That sounds lovely" she stood and I looked up at her. I hadn't realize how much taller she was then me. People would probably thinks she's my guardian.

                                 =The Park=

"It's a nice day" I said trying to spark a conversation. She didn't break her gaze from her book. For the moment I felt like I was bothering her. I brushed it aside. "Wha-what are you reading?" I asked curiously. "A book" she said bluntly. God bless me, what do I have to do to get this goddess to talk to me! "Well I know it's a book, what's it about" I asked hoping to get more out of it but before I could be granted such a pleasure we were approached by two brutes. "These two look good" one of them said looking to the other "yeah, let's take em!" I felt myself shake in my clothes.  Oh my god where we going to get mugged, or worse! The first one rushed her with a knife,  but In that moment without looking up from her book she side stepped, causing the man to stumble to the ground. "What the hell, why you little" the man who stumbled yelled turning around switching his knife in his hand as he swiped left them right. I watched in amazement as she dodged side stepping each attack. Getting frustrated he went in for a jab. She back flipped sending his knife in the air. She squatted as she landed the flip and jumped back up kicking the handle of the knife into a nearby tree. "You think you're pretty swift don't you brat!" He yelled signaling his buddy to come aid him. The other guy left me be thank god. They both surrounded her one on either side of her. She was still reading her book. She looked so cool. Like this situation didn't phase her at all. I wish I could have been as calm as she was. But I was scared out of my mind. She sighed closing her book "you're such an annoyance, honestly do you not have anything better to do then bother me" she spoke, though she sounded harsh her voice remained calm and angelic like. "Why you smart ass, I bet you think your pretty swift" the other man said as he was holding a bat, he tossed a knife to his low life companion who snatched it from the air and started stepping closer to her. The guy with the bat ran in first swinging, She kicked him, sending him back a few feet "why you little" he said getting up he ran with his bat over head the other guy jab which k dodged, her movements was swift like she knew what they were going to do before they did. He swung she bent backwards dodging just as the guy with the knife brought it down to stab her. She spunt her body right and seemed to hovered as she landed back on her feet. The guy swung his bat again she kicked the bat and then flipped frontward sending the bat flying into the guys chest, She turned around just in time to dodge the man with the knife attack. She kicked the knife away, jumped spines around and kicked him in his head, sending him into the other guy. They both stumbled back, scared "what the hell! Let's go" the guy yelled before taking his friend by the collar of his jacket and running away. "Wow that was amazing" I said stars taking form in my eyes. She only opened her book to its page and continued to read. I looked down and followed her. She abruptly stopped and I looked up at her. She closed her book and looked down at me. "Where are my manors young mistress, you must think aweful of me." She smiled and my heat fluttered "when I'm reading I get so caught up, I forget the things or people around me" I hung my head letting out a small chuckle "I see" she tucked her book away. "I absent kindly agree to anything when I'm reading." She looked back at me. And I looked up at her. God she was so much taller then me. I felt her eyes peer into me. So warm and tender, and for a second it looked like her eyes were lusting after me. I found myself blushing and quickly looked away. She looked up at the sky. "It's a nice day out, shame I almost didn't notice it" she said lower her gaze upon the sky. I rubbed the side of my arm. "Mm" I nodded agreeing with her and then looking up. I slide the bangs of my hair away from my eyes. She noticed because she looked at me. And I felt heat rise in my cheeks again. "Your hair is long and pretty, it flows like waves with no end. No destination, but happy to sway as such" oh god not only is she a freaking love god with the voice of a seducing angel, but she smoother then the cream I put in my coffee. I couldn't hide the blush and I swiftly looked away "yeah it gets in my way sometimes" I looked at my phone noticing the time. It was pretty late. "It's getting late I should go" I said tucking my phone back into my pocket. She smiled and reached for my hand. "But of course," she bent down and kissed my hand and my eyes widened as she did so. She turnt my hand over placing something in my palm. I didn't dare break eye contact with her. "Till next time young mistress" she said as she walked off in the opposite direction in which I was going. I watched as she disappeared over the horizon. Still thinking about the kiss. Her lips were so soft. I brought my fingertips to my lips, wishing that it had been my lips she kissed. I looked down into my palm to see a red hair clip. That smooth devil. I smiled to my self as I hold the clip in my hand bringing it to my heart. "Till next time"

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