Knew I'd have to explain it eventually

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Ok...I mean. I thought it was pretty obvious but I guess that it wasn't.

This is k in both her normal and witch state

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This is k in both her normal and witch state. I'm going to skip the boring crap and do a follow up on it later. For right now I'm going to be talking about K's witch form.

Now you would think, that as many times as ive had to properly break this down, that I'd just know naturally to do it

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Now you would think, that as many times as ive had to properly break this down, that I'd just know naturally to do it.

Well guess who didn't do it? Ahahahahahahaha me..I didn't do it. -_-

Ok like I've stated before. K's power consist of time manipulation, bending, etc and reality distortion but really that's just a big and fancy way to say ILLUSIONS.

Sweet, I get it. You would think with the power to control time she'd be pretty overpowered right?


K never directly stated that she wanted to make a wish. In fact it was kyuubi who offered her a wish of "truth" now when you think about truth you probably think. Oh she can see through any lie or something along those lines. In which case..that is true. K wanted to use her power to protect who she loved and to be able to keep loving them.  This blew up in her face when the shocking truth unfolded in front of her.  Her power leans more so illusions as something that contradicts because of her constant need to find a happy place. It is a place that does not exist within reality but is possibly of becoming reality itself.

Basically she has this power to imagine the perfect world but she hates it because it's not real and she's been being lied to all this time.

Now let's go to her labyrinth. Her labyrinth is based on different stages one being quite normal and not to far of from the real world. The stages become more corrupt the higher the go. This shows her mentality her literally mentality to who ever is trapped inside. The pain and everything you experience is both real and fake.

For my naruto fans it like genjustu, no it's like itachi's genjustu, you can't escape unless she wants you to. 

Alright now that we understand how illusions work. Let's get into the main issue here.

Time control.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say, your question is, how the hell does she control time.....

Well my friends. Time is not fully in her control. She can only do a few things within her natural power. She can only fast forward and rewind time. In so many ways she can't time travel..., she can't jump from time to time. Her power deals with truth and aspect that comes close. How often do you tell a small white lie that catches up with you? And then you wish that you can go back and stop yourself from saying that. Or tell yourself to say something different...yeah...THATS ALL SHE CAN DO! Lmao she can't affect the world. She can only affect people that have gotten close to her.

And if you really.. no... REALLY think about it. K isn't overpowered at all. Sometimes you have to understand that you can read the situation and make an action based off of that. I mean for example.

You have a character who's natural element is fire. Who gets his/her power from heat (ex. The sun) then naturally by LOGIC you wouldn't hurl that person into the sun thinking that it would kill them. No, if you're anything like me. You dump there a** in a nice ice and hypothermia induced ocean with zero chance of recovery. But maybe that's just how I think.

I also go on to note. That k can only change the future once...maybe twice on a really really REALLY good day. That significantly reduces the amount of power she has. Instead of being able to jump back everytime something goes bump in the night she has to think smart and find ways around it.

Speaking on that note

K is just SMART

I designed k to be a cold hearted person who suffered a lot, but she's still human. She studies she relies on logical output, but again. She's human. Not every battle goes her way. There's a ton of times k got her ass handed to her. But like any human she LEARNS from her mistakes. This makes her smart by like some sorta code.

Gotta go fast

Wanna know why she's fast. I've said it before haven't i? k was a track star a regular athlete in school back when her siblings were still alive. Now... here's some math

The power to bend time alittle + a natural athletic body % the penalty for using this skill * how ever many times she's uses it = oh yeah, she can go faster by manipulating both time and reality. Of course this drastically speeds up the day she dies.


Duh! I always had a trigger for when k was labeled as overpowered. Everyone. Literally anyone's knows with such awesome power comes a catch. A lot of people that that catch was her going insane and killing her family doomed to live alone in a world she couldn't escape just yet. And for that..... I LAUGH IN YOU FACE.

Don't you know me better then that! K has this kick ass power! It makes her seem overpowered but the real catch is. SHE's F'ING DYING.

You can only bend time so much before it breaks, you can only destrort reality so much before you start believing in it. K (if not obvious by now) is a few cards short of a full desk. Her catch has always been with ease time trick or illusion you pull you cut just alittle deeper into the time that you die.

That's why it's revealed that k doesn't use her labyrinth, that she hardly uses her time, and she really, practically never uses her illusion powers because of this catch....

This..this catch is what stops her from being overpowered...

I mean.. when I take the time to think of an oc. I factor in all of this. Everyone of my oc's that seem OP there's actually a really simple and basic way to knock them off that high horse you persevere them to be on.

But I like to see you sweat it out....I want to know if you think like I do. If you look for loops holes like I do... so that's why I never put my cons weakness out like that because it's a rp. I want you to guess at it.

Lol this article was for educational purposes I am neither mad, frustrated, upset, sad or angry. I am in fact alittle hungry...I hope you learned a great deal about the witch that is Karasomi Light

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