Evil Au: K

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[Disclaimer: Naruto]

Her body smashed through the wall of the next building. She coughed up blood as she reached for the last slimmer of hope she had left. Through the hole of the wall into the next building he stands. With out a second glance he stands before her. He picks her up by her throat. "Weak. Why are you so weak." She can't breathe she can't ask why her vision goes in and out "There is no value in killing the likes of you. Foolish daughter, if you wish to ever kill me, then hate me, detest me, curse me, survive in an unsightly way. Run, run and cling to your pitiful life." He eyes traveled around an outfit and exit. He spots the edge of the building and drags his daughter towards it. She struggles against him. 'I've always known you were unstable. But father why, our...people..why have you done this outrageous crime' her thoughts raced as he held her over the edge. "And then someday, when you have the same eyes as I do, come before me" his grip released and her body fell limp, gravity quickly working in carrying her body down to the ground below. Three stories, can she survive three stories.?


Hours had passed, what was she staring at. Her eyes had lost there color, her breathing was rigid and unstable. A lung punctured, maybe. They stood over her "Big Sister!" Frantic, panicked. There voices sounded..like mine..yes of course...her eyes traveled to karmin baby brother....her eyes trailed to kas baby sister. They're so identical, She wondered if they're feeling the same things. The same mix of emotions as she. Though every muscle in her body screamed out in excruciating pain, she through up her last facade. She smiled. And assured them it would be alright. "Everything.......will be.....alright"


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