Short Story Time

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There use to be a time when I would see your name and panic. The insist anxiety your name gave me. How I seemingly broke down at the sight of you. Ahh it's been so many years hasn't it. Now when I see your name, I'm more surprised then anything else. Because I thought it was so cool, how you erased yourself from my world. How I could find no traces of you when I searched. I remember thinking that maybe I had gone crazy and this was all a dream. But I know now that it's not. And that you're only still avoiding me..aha senpai, when will you stop this. I hadn't done a thing to you, how can you hold me responsible for the words of someone else... she's dead now you know....I do wish that you stop hiding from me..................Sen...pai...sama.


"It's going to be chilly out better bring a coat" k mumbled as she grabbed her coat and keys, she walked out the door closing it behind her. "Ahh,       k-kun," a certain especially cheery voice rung out. It was none other then kai, her best friend. "Hmm I thought we were going to meet at the school" k said tilting her head just slightly. Kai smiled "I couldn't wait to see you so I rushed on ahead" she said innocently, k only smiled she had a semi complicated friendship. It was on the line between friendship and relationship, but still k didn't mind. And kai never seemed to pay much attention on the thought. "Mm, well then lets go" kai and k were on there way to a new school. A collage actually. It was there first year and though k didn't seem to care kai was excited. "Ahh K-kun, aren't you excited" she cooed "were only freshmen, there's nothing to be excited about really" kai groaned "ahh your so much of a buzz kill" she said poking her lips out. K gave a small smile and continued walking.


They walked silently on the course to the building. "K-kun do you think we'll make lots of new friends?" Kai said excited as the buildings came into view. It was a fairly large campus. "Ahh, it's hard to say. I'm sure we'll meet a lot of people" k smiled hoping to encourage her friend. Kai grabbed k's hand "ahh let's always stay friends, alright.....k-senpai" k placed her hand on the girls head ruffling her hair. "Mm, yeah let's" she agreed. Suddenly k was face to face with A vaguely and painfully familiar face, kai who wasn't paying attention looked at her "k-kun....." she looked from k to the person that was staring back. K had a dead look on her face more dead then usually her skin had turned pale as if she had seen a ghost. "Ahh k-kun do you know this person?" Kai asked. K's grip on her bag tightened before the color came back to her. "Mm." K said looking over to her friend. "She's just a painful reminder of my past, ignore her" k said walking past the girl with out so much as looking back. "Ah, k-kun?" Kai followed. K felt the girls eyes bore into the back of her head. She ignored it and kept walking. She stopped only a few steps away from the girl who was still standing there looking. "I think....I might actually want to transfer to a different school" k's comment had made kai stop. "HUH?!?!? You can't this because of that girl." Kai asked k shrugged "I don't think I can deal with going to the same school as that women..........I hate her....she makes me sick" Kai's eyes widen slowly having never seen k actually hate someone before. She figured this must have been a big deal. Without thinking she turned to face the other girl "Hey! I don't know what you did to my friend, but if she hates you then I hate you" kai said pointing her finger at the women. This made her jump but remained in her calm position. "Kai, stop. Don't talk to that women. Don't even breath in her direction" Lao was token back but obliged "k-kun is it that serious" k closed her eyes and sighed "that women......doesn't exist to me..nor do I to her...she put me through hell....and now that I'm better I'd like to keep the distance mutual. She does not exist.." k said walking away finally, she got a few more steps away before saying "you know.....she's dead....and you're still playing this sick wonder all i can do is hate you" she said meaning all the venom that came out with it as k and her friend Kia walked away. Never to be seen by that women again. The girl who had been staring at them, that girl who commuted an unspeakable act left without uttering a word. And it was as if her existence had never been acknowledged in the first place. Though it was clear the pain and hurt that was written all over her face she knew hat she had started this, and that she had to deal with it. Maybe she regretted her actions, who could ever really know. She just kept walking without saying anything. She knew what she had done. Live with the consequences.

A few days later however the two did meet though k was by herself  they met face to face as they had before. K more angry then anything. "K I.." the women tried to choke out but was interrupted "shut up, you did this and rather you like it or not I'm done. I'm over you. And if you EVER try to speak to me again you better pray your god's faith will bring you to your next life because I will kill you" she understood that there was nothing that could be done at this point so she did what she had always done. She wiped her existence from k, and it was if nothing had changed. And k wouldn't have preferred it any other way

This is actually based on a true story...actually it's exactly what happened. I just thought it'd be a neat story to write. Well short story anyways. Like always vote comment . I hate all of you equally lol I'm just kidding I love you all. And may I continue to write stories and I hope you continue to read them haha bye 👋

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