The Love Triangle Series: Dinner

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SPOILER ALERT!!! 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨
This chapter will have spoilers pertaining to an upcoming book that I will be releasing...hopefully when I stop being a lazy fucker and finish it....anyways if you'd like my book "I'll love you forever and even after that" you'll love the sequel who's title I will not yet reveal...just know that this book has spoilers from/during/before/after the book...ok you have been properly warned....enjoy!


"I can't remember that last time I felt this free." I mumbled to myself as I parked and stepped off my motorcycle. The wind flew through my crimson hair. The smell of the ocean filled my nose. It had only been a couple of years but already I looked dramatically different and I liked that. My hair touched my ankles, just barley missing the ground as I walked. I had found, explored and controlled new powers. Everything was wonderful. I took of my helmet placing it on the seat of my bike. I placed my shades on. So then for what reason did I have to come back Beach City . I dusted off my black tux and walked down the bored walk. It's fine...I'm here on top secret agent government official type business. I was greeted with a lot of familiar faces, all giving me good greeting. It wasn't a surprise no one recognized me. My first being here I didn't make any friends. That or I looked like a boy. I chuckled to myself as I walked towards fish stew pizza. I walked in and sat at the table waiting for the informant I was suppose to be meeting. I ordered a pizza as to not look suspicious, a moment later a man with blond hair and blue eyes walked in sitting infront of me. "I'm a busy person, I assume whatever this is about its very important" I muttered. In terms of power you could say I had the most, I was in charge in Ge-Otech a high ranking association, a new organization that combine human and gem forces for better advancements in technology, war, peace, negotiations etc. "we've been at this for months....we can't get close to's impossible." I lowered my gaze on them. I smirked "of course, I wouldn't have expected you to...the crystal gems have become more skeptical do to events that happened in the past. They've almost completely shut out the human race..." I pushed my shades up "but even so, the association needs them on our side..were the good guys after all" I small chuckle escaped my lips. "If there even is still a threat still remaining out there we won't need to be the one getting in there way or vise versa. I mean who's going to save the planet if the two forces that can save it or fighting each other." He looked down briefly. "We've been observing them, they haven't made any attempts in preparing for anything to come" I laughed "did you really think they would? We're talking about gems that deal with the threat as it comes." Just then my pizza arrived and I paid for it. "Well then, I'll be leaving then, I'll call if there are any changes in the situation" he said standing and leaving. I yawned and ate a slice of the pizza I ordered. I know it probably sounds like I'm the bad guy right about now. But believe me, there's nothing but good in my heart. The I believe that the gems would be better prepared if they got outside of there little bubble and actually prepared instead of rushing head first. We won't nothing but there cooperation. Considering it two great allies teaming up. I stood and left out the door, I was walking back to my motorcycle to leave but I heard a vaguely familiar voice. I turned around to see none other then the terrifying renegade pearl. "K? Is that really you" I peered down at her, I had about an inch or two over her. I took to long to answer and she made the assumption for me "yeah, I recognize that hair anywhere," she squinted her eyes "though it's a lot longer then last time" I stared at her for a moment not knowing what to say. Tsk, damn. I didn't want to be spotted by them. I smiled, sliding a strain of hair behind my ear. "Pearl, its...been a while"


I recall it like it was yesterday: i pulled my self up, it felt like every breath was being stolen from me. I clutched at the deep gash in my chest. I felt he blood running from my back and my chest. I didn't was over..."what are you going to do now?" I looked up to see pearl..."I'm going to leave...what else would I do.." Despite all the pain I still managed to flash her a warm smile. she didn't say anything. She sighed helping me to my feet. "that's what's best" she mumbled. The blood loss was taking a great tole on me and I was sliding in and out of consciousness. But I heard those words clearly. It's the words, those words that made me not want to be here "you're not wanted here" I remember looking at her my eyes lowered and everything faded to black

~End FlashBack~
She smiled back almost as if those events were just a bad dream...but I knew better then that. "Yes it has, it's been to long" I stared for a moment longer..I reached for my helmet "oh wait are you leaving already, you can't go before saying hey to amethyst and garnet." I cringed at the mention of garnets name but I forced a smile anyways. "I actually have to go I was just here to meet a friend" I said. She smiled again. "Well you're hear now, how about accompanying me and the others to a dinner, what you're wearing is just prefect for the occasion. " she clasped her hands together in a cheerful smile. "A...dinner?" I frowned slightly, but soon had a great idea.."yeah, I'll be there then..." she cheered and waved me off. I scratched the back of my head. A dinner? With Pearl, Amethyst and Garnet............what could go wrong.

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