War and Peace

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She went to war searching for peace...

She...went to war...searching ...for peace..

Without fear, without hate, only without...could you possibly walk into the raging storm and come out unphased.

She knows this...but yet in still. She carries in her heart the suitcase of hate, self loathing, the bags of despair , regret, anger and agony. She places them, like trophies, next to the scars of "renovation". She lugs all of those thoughts and feelings, with her into the battlefield of chaos

She knows she won't make it, but the tenacity of hope, keeps pushing her forward despite every instinct that screams go back. But she goes..she tries to search for hope, search for tomorrow but she is violently ripped and tossed into the gunfire. The words sting. They echo and cut far deeper then any blade ever could. Tears stream her face and though there's no certain answer for why she cries, the tears are there. They satisfy her enemy but still they lust for more agony. Her enemies torment her. Yet she still clings desperately to the "ideal" of a better tomorrow. She knows nothing good will come from her firing back. She has the gun of revenge, she knows how to use it. She could bring her enemies down in a single step...YET...

She chooses the path in which....She is beaten, she is outmatched, she knows this but she balls her fist up, grits her teeth, she try's to grin and bare it..she's just hoping for a better "tomorrow". Yes but tomorrow and tomorrow seems further away then before. It keeps getting further away...as she reaches for it she is still trying to hanging on, and she's hanging by the thinnest of threads..

...she's tired...she's exhausted...she can't take anymore yet her feet continues to carry her...the black fades in and she's suffocating...every action forced, every apology faked, every fight haunts her....she's made a huge mistake...

Yet before she can retreat...she is already....gone

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