Random Facts about K (Madoka Magic Edition)

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• K is the first humanized witch

• K has a broken tooth she never got fixed because it's important to her that she doesn't it serves as a reminder.

• K has the power to cause time distortion, going as far as going back in time. This includes but is not limited to reality distortion which she occasionally uses to mess with her enemies

• Despite K's extreme sex appeal, she is a confirmed virgin. Making her the first K in the history of K's to be a virgin in the start of the rp. (Way to go for breaking stereotypes lmao)

• As confirmed in the latest chapter, K lives by herself.

•K's father was a weapon expert, even though he was an honest guy (somewhere) he ran a semi-illegal business.

• K's father name is Samuru which translates to "he who's name is god" it's also a references to k's god complex.

• K has a God complex.

• In the previous story (if you paid attention) you'd notice that k's father was introduced as Sikuma but is later introduced as Samuru. This is because her father held on to several fake identities.

• It was confirmed by a bystander in a rp that K looks to be an S&M kinda girl. This statement is true. K is in to S&M

• K's mother name is Sakura which translate to "cherry blossom"

• K is the oldest in a set of triplets. Her being first, then her sister, and then finally her brother.

• K was the shortest in her group of siblings. Her younger brother being the tallest at 6,3 ft followed by her younger sister at 6 ft and then herself at 5,8 (but compared to most that was still pretty tall lmao)

• K loves sweets. Her favorite form of sweets being dango.

• K's hair is significantly shorter then any other K in the K universe. This WOULD be a history breaker IF k's transformation hair stayed the same length.

• in k's transformed state. K's hair grow 4 inches longer making it as long if not longer then the k's in the K universe.

• K at times can be very dense. Often not realizing that people have crushes on her. (Such a cliche anime protagonist)

• K is a confirmed Yandere. (Such a cliche K Universe reference)

• K is a confirmed tsundere, this makes k (to my knowledge) the first ever split personality dere.

• K in human form has red hair but k in witch form has white hair. This is known as the Marie Antoinette (MA) syndrome. The Marie Antoinette syndrome is the sudden whitening of hair, due to extreme stress, or torture.

• K's labyrinth is a destroyed reality. To this affect. K doesn't use it unless cornered. Her reason being she hates escaping to a reality that is just as fake as the real one (this has I hate my own power because it makes me bad cliche written all over it)

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