Chapter Two

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Chapter two

I've been pretty much staring at white dull ceiling ever since that odd experience.

What happened?

Why was there a burning feeling?

Did I finally die? Don’t humans die when they can’t breathe?

I’m pretty sure I died because I wasn’t breathing.

It hurt too much.

Is this where people go when they die?

A place of only the color white?

Where am I?

I'm aware of the fact that I can see, but do I really want to see what’s around me? What if not all is as it seems? What if I'm still dreaming?

Not likely. But still what if?

I know I can move around now.

Maybe even walk but where do I go?

 What if the world isn't as the dreams showed to be?

What if there in reality is no world?

What if it’s much worse than then the dreams showed to be?

Could "humans" be worse? More evil and cruel?

Would they even be nice?

Doubt they would be nice to me.I am a freak! I've been in a coma all my life with these weird dreams. Do humans even exist?

In fact what am I? I don’t even know what I am or what I look like.

I wonder what my name would be. In the dreams it always said that humans know each other by "names" it’s what they call each other. Maybe I don’t have a name? who would name someone who is practically dead? I mean honestly I've been out of for like fifteen years I wouldn't be surprised if I was nameless. Would other humans call me "nameless girl"? That would suck. Once again the freak.

Maybe I should get up and find out what is it I look like. That reminds me what is this strong hold around me? Do they have me here as a prisoner? Surely I couldn’t be harm to anyone? I couldn’t even move.

Looking in the direction of the strong hold I notice two arms wrapped around a body which I could say is mine? Its person- a human. I guess perhaps they are real. Should I take a peak? Yes , yes I should I turn around to see mesmerizing electric blue eyes. Not just electric they were like a pool of aqua blue sprinkled in sliver. Staring into those beautiful eyes I felt as if I were in a maze without a way to get out. I could only look at the beholder of the eyes. A boy maybe 18 years of age with golden hair. His hair and eyes made him look like the greatest of "models”. Models? That’s what he must be a male model. His magnificent eyes lighting up his face; Making him a sight of perfection. His hair almost like looking at that the bright thing in the sky that would always show up within my dreams

He looks familiar could I know him from somewhere? Obviously not I haven’t been anywhere on "earth”. Or another planet for that matter.

And To top of the list of why he's so amazingly beautiful those majestic wings black with some sliver feathers.




Black wings! I thought he looked familiar

He’s the guy from my dreams. The one who always sits there watching or waiting for something?

He’s real???How??

I thought he was a dream? I thought he only existed in those dumb dreams of mine. What if all humans look like this? I don't think so...

"W-w-wh-o-o are you-u?" I said

After he stared and stared at me for what seemed like an eternity

With the loveliest of voices the creature spoke. "Jeydon"

Maybe just maybe, I did die.

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