chapter six

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Chapter six

*Ryan's pov*

"What do you mean she ran off?!?!" the rage just bubbles and bubbles inside me.

Why does she do these kinds of things!!!

 She’s testing my patience!

That ignorant little girl!

And those Idiots. They can’t do anything right!!!

I told them to watch her and not let her leave their sight.

Staring at that freshly made dent on the marble pole I couldn’t help but want to murder Jeydon and all his stupid little faggot angels.

The thought of all those angels dead drowning in a lifeless pool of blood.

Angel blood.

The thought always brings a sinister smile to my face.

“I want him dead” I say smiling

"Sir why are you troubling yourself over a pathetic human?" The low life servant answers.

"DONT YOU EVER SPEAK OF HER LIKE THAT!!!" slamming him against the wall felt great the fear in his eyes feeding my ego more and more by the second "do not question my authority do simply as you are told" with that I made him fly down the stairs. I couldn’t stop myself from laughing does he really thinks he can speak badly of her in my presence and get away with it.

 Seeing as he crumbles in a fetal position near the door "you are a disgrace to our kind!"

As he stumbles back in fear radiating in him just feeds me “don’t ever question me" I spat.

He nodded and shook his head confused.

 "Hahaha you look as if you've seen a ghost. You are P-AA-TTTT-HHH-EEE-TTTT-IIII-CCCC!!!" I love the smell of fear. It’s just comical

He just sits there like a little girl testing me

 "Well are you going to speak or not? Where is my princess? “I say imagining his death.

An evil smirk playing on my lips "have you not had enough?"

Slipping my hands around his neck forcefully "sh-she- she ran off...." I let go.

How can she just run off!!

 I saved her mother.

 What the fuck is wrong with her?!

 "From her home. The trackers are looking for her to keep an eye on her sir”

"Excellent... What about the low life angel?" how I wish Jeydon were that wall I smashed.

"Master, He has not been with her since the night”

"Keep it that way”

"Lord why does this human mean so much? Why are you going through all the trouble for her??? SHES FOOD!!" he spits out the ending once again testing me.

When will this imbecile ever learn???

A growl escaping my lips shaking the floor "just remember she will be your queen"

With that I rip his head off and let the blood trip everywhere not even bothering to clean it. That way they get the message for those who disobey me.

Laughing at him I left the room no one questions Ryan and gets away with it.

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