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it took some time for hyungwon to completely feel normal, he still twitched every so often but generally was on the okay side.

hoseok didn't let him get out of bed for days insisting on him getting lots of rest, it was sweet but his legs began to feel quite numb.

"would you like some help?" hoseok said curiously as he watched the boy's slim legs slip over the edge of the bed.

"no i'm just standing up, i'll be alright."

hyungwon placed his feet on the freezing floor and, using all his might, pushed up.

"a-ah," a strangled cry left his mouth as he fell forwards.

luckily hoseok had fast reflexes and caught him, the older boy smiled enveloping hyungwon into his arms.

hyungwon blushed, "i'm supposed to be walking."

"it's okay to stand like this for a little while."

the younger boy felt the blood rushing back into his legs as it became more comfortable for him to stand.

"you good?" hoseok said as he stepped away still keeping a tight grip on hyungwon worried about him falling again.

"yeah i think so."

hoseok smiled gently and placed a hand on hyungwon's  cheek.

the dark-haired boy smiled, "i'm so lucky to have you."

hoseok slid his onto hyungwon's waist pulled him into his arms once again holding him close to his heart.

"i don't ever want to lose you," he whispered, "i love you so much."

hyungwon heart was practically beating out of his chest, "i love you too."


"they're looking for us now," kihyun said worriedly.

"well obviously, we lit a house on fire and took someone from their lab," hyunwoo sighed.

"wait, what? you lit a house on fire?" hyungwon looked confusedly at all the boy's faces.

"oh yeah, about that..." minhyuk trailed off averting his eyes.

"hyungwon," hoseok said softly, "i did something stupid, and impulsive. no one is hurt, we grabbed important things from the house."

the thin boy made a strange face twisting it into a confused expression.

hoseok exhaled, "it was your house."


"we were trying to get back at your dad, please don't be angry i-"

"i want to see it."


"i need to see my house," hyungwon stood up.

hoseok raised up next to him, "it's too dangerous, you know that, you can't."

hyungwon looked him in the eyes and came extremely close to his face, "i want to see it."

"hyungwon," hoseok grasped his arms in a desperate manner, "please think about this rationally, if you were to step foot into that town they would find you and return you to that god dammed lab, i can't- i can't lose you again."

the younger boy's eyes softened, he looked away and sighed before returning his attention to hoseok, "i won't go."

"i'm so sorry."

"it's okay, it was mostly full of bad memories so in a way i feel slightly relieved."

"okay, so what's our next move?" jooheon asked as the two boys sat down once again.

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