Chapter 1: Edited

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Chapter 1

"O'Connell, Michael. Kaminsky, Henry," The recruiting officer shouts and two men get up. Every man who wanted to join the army was there with only pants on. Sydney could say she was attracted to them, the men with the larger muscles, but she had her eye on someone. Sydney was sat next to her brother, who was reading a newspaper, while she fidgeted with her her bind that was around her breasts, though everything about her was small, even them.

"Boy, a lot of guys are getting killed over there," The man next to Steve, Sydney's brother, says.

"Rogers, Steven. Rogers Sydney," The enlisting man calls.

"Kind of makes you think twice about enlisting, huh?" The man continues to ask the scrawny siblings, who stand up, and Steve leaves his newspaper on the seat behind him. 

"Nope," Both siblings reply at the same time, as they walk over to the desk where the enlistment officer sat. They stand next to each other looking up at the man, as they were too short to look at him evenly.

"Rogers. You siblings or somethin'?" The enlistment man asks and Sydney nods.

"Yes sir, twins actually." Steve places their extra papers that they were required to fill out when they got to the offices, and nods at his sister's statement.

"What'd your father die of?" The officer asks.

"Mustard gas. He was in the 107th Infantry," Steve says.

"We were hoping we could be assigned there-" Sydney starts to say but is cut off by the officer.

"Your mother?" He asks.

"She was a nurse in a TB ward. Got hit. Couldn't shake it," Steve says.

"Sorry, Rogers," The officer says to them.

"Look, just give us a chance." When Sydney pleads, you know she really wants something.

"You'd be ineligible on your asthma alone," The officer says. "And you're a woman. No way in hell they'd let you serve."

"Is there anything you can do?" Steve asks.

"I'm doing it," The officer says, and he stamps the paper. "I'm saving your lives. Especially with you miss. It'd be a death sentence, and I won't be the one to send you to it." Steve grabs their papers, and the twins begin to walk out when the officer calls their attention again. "Hey miss, maybe you could be a nurse. You'd do much more than if you were to serve. I'd rather have you not die." Sydney sighs and walks out towards her brother who was fuming, and looked like he could punch the guy. Sydney just grabs his arm, and pulls him out of the office. 


"Come on Steve! We can try again! We always wanted to join, and we should be able to!" Sydney says.

"I don't think we will Sydney," Steve says. They enter the theater and sit down closer to the back, though it wouldn't make much of a difference as they were too short for anyone to complain. The screen lights up and an add for enlistment begins.

Patriotic music begins to plays and the narrator says, "War continues to ravage Europe. But help is on the way." Images of soldiers fighting and movie clips begin to play and show up on the screen. "Every able-bodied young man is lining up to serve his country. Even little Timmy is doing his part collecting scrap metal." The images show a little boy with a wagon going through trash. "Nice work, Timmy!"

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